Easy Life Tips

November 04, 2006

Do you dread your biology test? Or simply want to rake up higher marks in it?

HAVE a mindblock studying biology? Here are ten tips to get you to ace the very same subject.

1 Use two or three colours of your choice to highlight difficult words in your textbook. You might think that using colours or stationery is a waste of time and money. But, it comes in useful at the time of your exams. If important points are already run over and highlighted, it makes the task of revising easier.

2 Keep a pencil and paper handy. Biology becomes easier if you read and look at pictures. It is still simpler if you draw and remember diagrams in your own way. Try to do this on the same page as the text. This will help you to associate concepts correctly.

3 Write down and practice difficult answers. It is a known fact that writing improves concentration and helps to memorise things faster.

4 Please read through each and every word and try to understand concepts instead of blindly learning by rote.

5 No matter how bored you are, study this subject in a sequence, ie starting from the first chapter. Do not jump pages or chapters.

6 Biology is easier studied point-wise. Try to formulate the sentences on your own. Reading more on the topics will make you naturally develop the language of biology.

7 An effective way to learn definitions is to write them on flash cards. Memorise these flashcards while travelling or idling around. An alternative is to make a small list of these words and hang it on a wall in your room. This increases memorising capacity and helps retain them for a longer time. Try to be creative and invent your own shortcuts and methods to learn.

8 A good method for remembering answers is to associate them to a movie, place, object, etc. Draw diagrams and write down difficult words wherever possible to reinforce them. For example, jot it down on a bus ticket and stick it to the page you are reading. Or when studying parts of a human body then, remember kidneys as bean shaped, liver as a triangular leaf and the like. This will jog your memory faster.

9 Make a habit of studying biology right from day one. A systematic approach is the key to success. It is well known that, every human being is at his peak productivity during certain hours of the day. Try to devote this time for biology and see the difference.

10 If you love to study in groups, then do so with likeminded friends. Teach and learn from each other and try to stay motivated.

A good approach to this innovative subject is to study it amidst nature’s beauty or in a silent spot like a library. These places tend to ignite that spark to study. A healthy start will encourage you to carry the task further and boost your confidence.


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November 03, 2006

How to get ready for an Interview?


As the interview is largely a subjective process, it is critical to bring out facts as correctly as possible. To ensure this, have the following well covered in your preparation: Know how to keep yourself calm. Often going well prepared is the best way to enhance your confidence. Know all about the company and its business - research the company and interviewer, if possible.

Analyse why you want the job. What soft skills do you have to offer the organisation? For instance, the resume may have shown some concrete examples of skills as a team player, but now you need to convince the interviewer of your ability to fit within a team.

Prepare questions you wish to ask about the job or organisation. Line up references in advance in case you are asked for them.

Dress Code: Check the standard dress code of the organisation and try to stick to that attire. It is appropriate that you dress correctly for the occasion - being over dressed may not convey a good message.

Asking Questions: Most interviewers will ask you, if you have any questions. It is quite acceptable to ask relevant questions and seek clarifications. It displays your keenness to know more about your potential employer. Some good topics to touch on while asking questions -

The competitive environment in which the organisation operates. Executive management styles the organisation practices. How organisation goals have changed over the past 3-5 years.

What obstacles the organisation anticipates in meeting its objectives. Pay and benefits do get discussed during the last stages of the interview. Do not bring up the topic on your own and wait for the interviewer to do so. If asked about expectations, do not hesitate to quote a figure. Remember not to set unrealistic expectations about salary and benefits, which the employer cannot meet. A study of the market situation, your skill sets and current emoluments should give you a good idea of the possible compensation package you can ask for. Before closing the interview, you might like to ask the interviewer when you could hope to hear from them. Make sure to leave your current contact details where you could be.
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Pregnant Preparation Tips


Some experts say that if a woman is highly aroused while she's having sex, the sperm has a better chance of fertilising her egg. Others say it makes absolutely no difference. It definitely won't hurt and may even help in boosting your libido and killing that awkward feeling of having sex for pregnancy.


Many experts suspect that the missionary position (man on top) provides the best opportunity for getting pregnant, though no definitive studies have been done on this question. This position allows for the deepest penetration which deposits sperm closer to the cervix. For additional effectiveness, the woman can try elevating her hips with a pillow so her cervix is exposed to the maximum amount of semen. Avoid woman on top, standing, or leaning positions, which discourage the flow of semen to the uterus.


Ask your partner to chuck all briefs and opt for boxers instead for a healthy sperm count. Also, having sex in the morning would help since the semen has the highest number of sperm then.


If you are under 30, and haven't conceived in 12 months, you should make an appointment to see your doctor as there could be some issues at play that are preventing you from getting pregnant. If you are over 35, and haven't succeeded in getting pregnant in six months, make an appointment to see your doctor, as infertility issues become more prevalent the older you get. If you are over 40, then do not delay in getting medical help.


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Ideas for IT Manager to Stay Advanced in Industry

• Upgrading IT Skills

In a rapidly changing IT industry, it is important that we constantly upgrade our skills. If you are a programmer who would like to move into a systems administrator role, taking a CCNA or a DBA certification would increase your market value and open doors to new opportunities. If you are a Java professional looking to upgrade your skills, you may want to go for additional Java certification. IT skills can also be acquired through hands-on experience. Exposing yourself to new technical skills within your current work environment can also enhance your potential market value.

• Continuous Learning

In addition to keeping abreast with technical knowledge, IT managers need to get familiar with other key business areas such as Accounting, Budgeting, Profit & Loss, Financial Statement Analysis, Business Strategy, Human Resources, Marketing, etc. In their future capacity as a CIO, CTO or IT Director, they would need to display competencies in these vital areas.

• Be Proactive

Many of us tend to think that being proactive would leave us with more work and less pay. Look at it from another perspective. By being proactive, you are seen as a team player with initiative.We tend to overlook the fact that when one takes on more roles and actively volunteers time and energy to ensure projects are completed, we are also increasing our value personally.Volunteering your time and efforts can also help you unleash a skill that you may think you do not have.
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November 02, 2006

Some tips to help you shed your single status


Join a library, learn a new language, join a sports club, enroll for the personal growth course. These are things you will most likely enjoy and you are also likely to meet people there - of both sexes- who share your interests.


No, you don’t have to get involved with friends, but ask around and you will be surprised how many people met their spouses or partners at dinner parties or social gatherings or weekend gatherings hosted by friends.


Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen. Even if you know only two people in a new city, cook dinner, invite both of them and ask each of them to bring two friends.


Get people to join you in activities you have already planned for yourself. A good sentence to remember is, “I am going to the movies on Tuesday night - do you want to join me?” This does not sound like you are inviting someone out on a date. You are going anyway, whether they want to come or not.


Everyone likes to be listened to. If you are a good listener, you are unlikely to be lonely for long.


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Are you ready for retirement?

If you are in your forties then it is too early to even think of retirement. A job will keep you occupied and not deplete your portfolio so early on.

• Before you retire you must have paid off debts on house, vehicle and so on. Paying hefty monthly installments is a big hole in your wallet, when you do not earn.

• Start planning for your retirement right away. Make an estimate of how much you would need and the lifestyle you would like to maintain. Some people feel they can manage with 50 percent of the current income and others feel they need 80 percent. However, keep in mind you’ll not have high mortgage repayments to make or monthly college fees to shell out. Chalk out a plan.

• Devise an investment strategy. If you are in your thirties, you can invest aggressively in stock and other high risk, high return instruments. Thus, you can make your money work harder for you. As you grow older, move towards low risk fixed income investments.

• Holding most of your money in the form of real estate post-retirement may not be a wise thing as liquidity is very low. Maybe less than a third can be locked in real estate. But the remaining, have it in safer and more liquid instruments. This will be of use in case of any emergency like hospitalisation.
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Are you planning a baby?

Getting pregnant is not always easy. Very few couples conceive on the first try. In fact, even if everything is absolutely in perfect working order, you only have a 20-25% chance of conception each month. To assist you in realising your dream of maternal bliss, we have put together some points that you should take care of before you plan a baby.


The first thing is to forget about contraception. You may notice certain irregularities in your cycle and it may take a few months for your cycle to return to normal. But many women are fertile the first month after they stop taking the pill.


Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate, a vitamin B component that can help reduce the risk of serious birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord. It is for this reason that doctors suggest all women attempting pregnancy to take folic acid supplements for decreasing chances of birth defects.


Smoking or taking drugs greatly diminishes your chances of getting pregnant and can lead to miscarriages, premature birth, and low-birth weight babies. Plus, research suggests that smoking can affect your fertility and lower your partner's sperm count. Women should also avoid alcohol when trying for pregnancy.
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November 01, 2006

Tips to help IT managers stay ahead

• IndividualRoadmap

Draw up individual career roadmap which acts as a framework and helps to define and measure career objectives, goals, and achievements in a timely manner over the years. Ask yourself the following questions: Which organization or industry would you like to work for? Which area of Information Technology would you be keen to pursue? What are your short term and long-term career goals? Do you aspire to be the Senior IT Manager, IT Director, CIO, CTO, etc within the next 2-3 years?

• Staying Current

Be in tune with latest developments in technology, trends, business and market development and pay strong attention to the latest development and trends in IT outsourcing, application development, disaster recovery/co-location, wireless networks, VOIP, 64-bit computing, Internet security, etc.

• Staying Connected

A lot of us work long hours with little time left for other things. However, to stay marketable it is critical that we stay connected to the industry we work in. Attending networking events or seminars allows you to stay in touch with your peers, monitor industry trends and also enhance your visibility with potential employers. Join associations and memberships in relevant societies.


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Are you in a field job?

THE day for a typical executive is an unending series of deadlines, meetings, appointments and long hours at the desk or on the road. A hurried bite of whatever is at hand, cups and cups of tea and coffee to keep you going and the regular use of the believed stress busters - alcohol and smoking are the norm. The evening is either yet another round of negotiations or party time.

There is no time to think about health. Where’s the time to put together a nutritious meal? Sleep? Exercise? Take a holiday? Or just plain and simply take a day off to do what you like to do? In fact if most people really had a day off they wouldn’t know what to do!

Various analyses, done at workplaces, have found the commonest health problems, relating to executives - hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, headaches, heartburn, chronic fatigue symptoms and depression. Making healthy living second nature would help overcome most problems.

The advice often repeated can only be reiterated. Have patience with yourself. It takes six weeks to inculcate new habits, especially healthy ones. Make one more conscious, concerted effort.

Get rested. The body does the auto repairing while you sleep and also slows the ageing process. Evidence supports the fact that one is more efficient, thinks faster and performs better after a good night’s sleep.

For those commuting to work and driving themselves, switch off mentally from work and deadlines. Listen to music, relax yourself, start a little earlier and don’t speed.

Eat right. Don’t miss your breakfast.

ealthy servings of salads and fresh fruits help to nourish and cleanse the system. Bring a bag of fresh fruit and cut up vegetables to snack on during the workday.

Avoid the office favorites - samosas, vada pavs, wafers, pizzas and pastries. Order an idli sambhar or a brown bread sandwich instead.
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Some interview tips to tackle the situation

Personal Interview: Handle with care

While giving an interview, plan the right strategy and present yourself to the prospective employer, skilfully In a recruitment process, an interview is invariably one of the last but most crucial processes. It involves a one to one interaction of the candidate with the prospective employer. Besides giving the interviewer a chance to evaluate your strengths and skills, it also gives you an opportunity to understand what to expect from the organisation. No matter how well qualified and articulate one is for a job, there is nothing to replace thorough preparation for the interview. Have a good grip of your strengths and weaknesses. Know what to expect in the interview and how to handle the situation, if things do not go as planned.

Planning A Strategy

The first step in preparing for an interview is to put together a strategy. Try and analyse what the interview is all about. The interviewer would already have reviewed your resume, which provides the hard facts of your employment history and skills. You can make a good impression by reviewing how to bring forth your essential skills. There is a need to portray sincerely and politely, though enthusiastically your knowledge about the organisation and its mission. For instance, it would be good to know the names and positions of key people in the organisation, its products/services and key business competitors.

Check List

Punctuality is of essence - arrive well in time for the appointment. Be polite to everyone that you meet at the offices, it counts. Be aware of body language, vibes and reactions as someone might be noticing them. Be personable yet professional in your conduct. Do not assume that the interviewer knows how to elicit the information he/ she is looking for - bring it out clearly. Answer all questions honestly but in the best, most positive light. Take some time to formulate your answers before you speak.


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October 31, 2006

Are you feeling single?

Tired of spending Sundays by yourself ? Of going to parties alone or suffering through blind dates organised by your friends? Of looking at the personal columns in the newspapers with more than a passing interest? Are you tired of wincing when someone asks the dreaded question, “How’s your love life?”
Right. There are many people around you who are either in relationships or are married. All of them must have been single at some or other time. So how did they do it? How can you do it too?


Putting your life on hold while waiting for the Perfect One to appear is a mistake. Being happy and self-contained is much more attractive than the clinging-vineroutine. Extreme neediness is not a social asset when looking for a balanced and pleasant new partner


Desperation can be smelt at fifty paces and it does not smell nice. For both men and women, being overinterested and coming on too strongly is a turn-off.


Ask a good friend for advice and try out what they say. Go to the gym, get a few new clothes and make a dramatic change or two. Remember that whether we like it or not, first impressions count.
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How you can get a woman to pursue you?


Are you always going to the restaurant of her choice? Are you always accommodating her needs? Then you need to show her that you are sometimes willing to take the bull by the horns and take control. Tell her that you have a craving for a certain
restaurant and that you’d like to go there.


Instead of letting her dictate all your plans for the week, take the initiative to designate a guys night out. This will let her know that you have other people in your social life.


A very big gush of “I love you” too soon won’t help your cause. Wait for a reasonable amount of time — until you are pretty sure she’s feeling it too — before you make your declaration.


It is not about acting like a jerk. Rather, it’s about keeping a healthy and fun balance of control in a relationship. Just remember the above and you’ll be able to put yourself back in control.
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If you are addicted to fashion, keep these tips in mind...

Buy good shoes: Whatever else y o u m i g h t scrimp a n d s ave o n , d o n’ t s e t t l e for anyt h i n g but the best when it comes to footwear. A cheap pair of sandals might look good for a while, but can hurt your feet unbearably. Many women combat this hurdle by wearing comfortable footwear on the streets and changing into stylish ones in the office or for a social event. It might mean some extra luggage to carry around, but your feet are worth the TLC.

Find a good tailor: It’s easy to buy pret or pick up clothes from different places, but the secret lies in the fit. Even the most expensive clothes might require some tweaking. A good tailor is a rare find but scout around till you find one. Just shortening a kurta or tightening a blouse can work wonders for your image.

Don’t get predictable: Being style savvy is also about mystery, which means no-one should be sure of what you’ll turn up in next. If you prefer to be bohemian, take a break and turn classic for a day. Love ethnic chic? Go all-out western. It will mean revamping parts of your wardrobe, but just choosing your look for the day can make life exciting.

Shop for an entire ensemble: A style junkie, works on the complete look of an outfit. It might mean buying the right pair of shoes to match, or a set of beads to complete an ensemble and keep some accessories ready for certain clothes in your wardrobe. Even when you go saree shopping, go the reverse way — buy a fine piece of jewellery or an exciting blouse and then hunt for a saree to match.

It’s easy to be a smart shopper and being addicted to fashion can only make the job more pleasurable. Style is a lot about making the right choices in the best possible way.


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October 30, 2006

Obsession with exercise

Some people are obsessed with how many kilocalories or kilo joules they have used up during exercise. Remember that there are no absolute values - the amount of energy you use up during a gym session depends on many factors, such as how vigorously you have exercised, how long you exercise, what type of exercise you have done, the ambient temperature, the physiological response of your body to exercise, your body build and many other factors.

The energy values used to determine how much energy an individual uses during exercise are, therefore, also not absolute values and should be regarded as simple guidelines.

Always keep in mind that exercise has longer lasting effects on the human body, such as an increase in the basic metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after a session, and that these effects are not included in the calorie value of an activity such as cycling for 30 minutes.

Use exercise to assist your weight loss, but don't get frantic about how many kcal or kJ you have used up while exercising, otherwise you will get even more stressed.
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Top tips for mass and power!

Sleep like a baby

Probably the most overlooked aspect of bodybuilding is rest. Training in the gym tears down your muscles. Sleep is that time when your body rebuilds the damaged muscles. Without enough sleep, you'll never grow like you want. So make sure you stack enough Z's at night. As a guide, throw out your alarm clock. When you wake up on your own, you’ve slept enough.

Don’t overtrain

Overtraining can set you back months, even years. Stick to training each body part only once a week. You need to make sure you give your muscles plenty of rest between each training session. Pick a couple of basic movements, about three or four for each body part, and do three to four sets for each exercise. You’re probably thinking this is going to be easy, but trust me, if you do the sets right, you're going to be in for a world of hurt. And if you’re not, you are not lifting hard enough. Finally, don’t spend more than 60-90 minutes per training session. Anything more and you’ll run the risk of overtraining.

Consistency and variation

Consistency means training when you’re supposed to, not making lame excuses. More than any other sport, bodybuilding requires a serious level of commitment and dedication. So when it’s leg day... you do legs, Period. You should also consider adding variety to your routine when it becomes stagnant. Mix up the order of your exercises. Add a few drop sets for a change. The human body is highly adaptive. Keep shocking it with new exercises and variations.


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How to Control Your Anger?


When a person is angry, his thinking often becomes irrational and he starts making assumptions about what others are thinking. This leads us to make rash judgements about others. Problems arise when we act as if these judgements are true. The next time you become angry, evaluate your thinking. The next thing for you to do is to review the situation and see if you can come up with another interpretation. Also think of alternative explanations for why somebody did what they did and analyse the situation in a more broadminded manner.


Use your anger to get an assertive response but do not to harm others. An effective assertion does not provoke unwanted feelings of aggression on the part of the listener. Also being assertive in the face of anger involves first calming yourself, re-evaluating the situation to make sure you are not acting on irrational interpretations and reminding yourself that you own your anger. Try saying, “I feel angry when I think...”. This will help resolve problems.


Research shows that ‘venting’ or repeatedly reviewing and discussing the offending event, may not lead to a reduction in feelings of anger. In fact, excessive venting can actually prolong your angry response. While it can be helpful to discuss your feelings with others, it is not helpful to rehash the offending event over-andover once the situation has been resolved. Eventually your anger will fade away.


In case you find that you are frequently unhappy or angry, it may be time that you take action to correct the situation. After all, the responsibility for your happiness and your anger is yours. If, after evaluating the situation, you feel a change is needed, formulate a plan to bring about that change. First, clearly identify what the problem is and how it can be solved. Next, identify the specific steps you need to take. Using these techniques, you can control your anger and use it to improve your quality of life.
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October 29, 2006

Are you always doing the chasing?

BREAK THE “RULES” Instead of calling her on Wednesday to make plans for Saturday, try calling her that same morning for an impromptu date. And instead of waiting two days after that to call again, surprise her earlier... or wait a little longer. In other words, don’t be too predictable with your phone calls; instead, mix things up.

TEASE HER Would you like to keep her wanting more? Try this for a change: Plant a big, fiery kiss on her — and then call it a night. It will serve two purposes: First, it will keep you on her mind. Second, since you’re the one to end the kiss and the evening, it will keep her wanting for more.

DON’T BE TOO AVAILABLE If she suggests getting together on Friday, suggest Saturday. If she wants Sunday, suggest Tuesday. It will give the impression that you have a healthy social life.

YOU END THE CALL The first few phone calls tend to determine the way a relationship will proceed. So after the conversation has run its course, politely end it and say goodbye. Using this trick just a couple of times will put you back in charge.

LET HER DO SOME WORK If you are always the one calling and pursuing her, she probably has you on your toes most of the time. To reverse the roles, you need to let her do some of the work. Indicate this by your actions: At the end of the night, tell her to call you and stick to your guns. Yes, that means waiting for her to call.
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How to deal with it your Negative Attitude ?

GET SOME PERSPECTIVE: Volunteer to help the less fortunate so you can reflect on the positives of your own life. We often become negative because we are impatient to get ahead, to increase our income and to improve our material wealth.

BUDDY UP: Ask a trusted friend to point out when you’re being negative. It’s all about transforming your attitude and creating new, healthier habits.

DITCH THE WHINERS: Weed out negative people from your environment. Identify instances when they are being negative, and if they choose not to change, limit their company.

REFOCUS YOUR MIND: Find a hobby. Outside interests and regular exercise will boost beneficial chemicals to the brain.

TAKE STOCK: Recognise what’s good in your life. Take an inventory of your strengths, talents and assets. Keep those positive thoughts foremost in your mind and the negative ones will not have an opportunity to take over.
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Top tips on time management

Trim the fat from your life, physically and metaphorically. Structure your day in a way that you maximise the limited time on hand. In other words — stay on top of your work load — not the other way around.

Set realistic targets for yourself. Don’t compare your pace with anybody else’s. Lists maybe childish but they help provide a frame work. The best timesaver in the world is a trained mind and a disciplined approach.

Drop it, move on. When you switch off, really switch off… computer, cell phone, laptop and your mind.

Take time off in order to save time. In the long run, it’s a sensible way to manage your life. What’s the point of working compulsively, if you’re going to end up in a hospital with an ulcer or a heart condition? How will you ever make up that time?

Being busy does not automatically mean being productive. Be honest with yourself on this score. If it’s not happening, it’s not going to. Walk away. Go see a movie.

People often waste years of their lives doing something they’re lousy at. Sad but true. Learn to be ruthless with your choices.

Listen to your body. The most reliable speedometer is within you — it tells you exactly when to slow down, when to speed up. Provided you’re listening. There is a cut-off point for everything. Recognise your own.

Above all: Respect time. Your own and other people’s. It is the single most valuable asset you possess.


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