Easy Life Tips

June 10, 2008

The Truth about Hair Removal

Hair removal has been practiced in all cultures around the world for centuries. The reasons for hair removal are usually social, cultural, medical, or religious. Many different cultures have an ideal amount of hair that men and women should have. For example, men in western cultures shave their facial hair daily to achieve a clean-shaven appearance so, only a small amount of men have beards, and in North American it is considered feminine to removal almost all body hair. Some women even shave their heads due to cultural traditions like in India the tradition is for widows to shave their heads.

What are the types of hair removal?

There are many different types of hair removal some are only temporary while others are more permanent. Depilatories are the temporary types of hair removal that is the removal of hair at skin level that lasts from several hours to several days. It includes shaving or trimming, which is done by hand with a razor or with an electric shaver, creams or shaving powders that chemically break up the unwanted hair. Another form of temporary hair removal is epilation, which removes the entire unwanted hair by the root; it lasts from a few days to several weeks. They is also plucking, which entails hair being plucked or pulled out by tweezers or by fingers, waxing, which is a cold or hot layer of wax applied to skin then covered by a porous strips then removed, sugaring, which is similar to waxing except it is a sticky paste, threading which is a twisted thread that removes hair as it is rolled across the skin, epilators, which is a mechanical device that grabs the hairs rapidly and pull them out. And last but not least there are also prescription oral medications that can be prescribed to you by your doctor.

Permanent forms of hair removal include many different options; a number of the methods have been developed that use chemicals, different types of energy, or a combination of the two that target the area of unwanted hair growth. Electrolysis, laser hair removal, and intense pulsed light are all forms of permanent hair removal. In the past there were a couple other more flawed options of permanent hair removal, but they were banned due to the health risks they proposed to the users. They were x-ray hair removal that efficiently removed hair permanently, but is now illegal in the United States. Also there was photodynamic therapy, which was only an experimental form of permanent hair removal.

What are the disadvantages?

There are numerous disadvantages for several of these hair removal methods. Most of the methods are not permanent, are very expensive, or can propose hair problems. You should seek advice from a doctor-supervised facility to find a hair removal method that’s right for you, because several of the methods are only still in the testing phase and have yet to be clinically proven.
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Understanding About Home Laser Hair Removal

Hair removal is an important issue to many men and women around the world, and if you aren’t comfortable going into a salon to have unwanted hair removed or would just like a bit of added convenience, you are going to want to learn about the different home laser hair removal options that are available to you.

What is Out There

When it comes to home laser hair removal, there are at least twenty different options that you can choose from, but a few in particular which are really worth checking out and which will be discussed here in more detail.

Of them all, Tria is by far the most popular and effective home laser hair removal system available. This is actually the first ever home hair removal laser, which is not as powerful as a professional grade laser but studies show that it is still very effective and able to remove unwanted hair from your face and body.

It basically works the exact same, only simpler so that the at home user can handle it. The ideal candidate is someone who has dark hairs and light skin, and so if this does not apply to you then you may want to learn more about it or go another route to ensure that you get the best possible results.

This home laser hair removal system needs to be used flat against the skin otherwise the laser will not fire, and so although you can do it yourself a better idea may be for you to get a friend or family member to handle the laser for you.

Keep in mind that this is just one of several different home laser hair removal systems that are available, so the best idea is going to be for you to take a bit of time to check around and see what is out there, before making any final decisions on which you should go with.

You may even want to read some reviews on the different home laser systems, to get a better idea on each of them and see what past consumers had to say about them. It will be well worth the time and effort that you put into this process, when you come out of it all with the best hair removal results.

Get the Right Equipment

In order to get started you are going to need to get yourself the necessary home laser hair removal equipment. There are some terrific companies that you can go through for this and it really all depends on which home laser system you decide to go with.
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The Promising Possibilities of Hair Removal Machines

The popularity of hair removal continues to grow world wide, and as it continues to grow the more the hair removal machines continues to develop and advance with the need for more sophisticated machines. The Soft Light Hair Removal System was the first developed and manufactured, but today there are many more advanced hair removal machines that are more widespread. There is now the long-pulse alexandrite laser, it has the ability to reach deep into the layer of the skin where the hair follicle grows to achieve access to it, and the constant heat that gradually builds up in the shaft inactivating the hair follicles that are currently in the active growth phase.

Another type of hair removal machine is the diode laser; it is a highly capable machine that is made up of semiconductors that are set together to manufacture light. A benefit of the diode laser is the reasonably longer wavelength compared to the other hair removal machines on the market used for laser hair removal. A different option in hair removal machines is the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser; it gives off two different wave lengths of light., and the wave length used for profound penetration is the undetectable infrared light, which can attain profound hair follicles. The green light is used for treating hair follicle nearer to the surface of the skin. During both, the infrared and the green light treatments, the Q-Switched Nd: YAG machine produces fast bursts of light to the region being treated.

Is Purchasing a Hair Removal Machine Expensive?

It’s a well known fact that hair removal machines like hair removal equipment are not cheap, but the price of purchasing a hair removal machine varies; it is dependant upon what type of machine you want and the size of laser you will need. They can range from anywhere between $1,000 to $8,000 and up. If your needs involve a use for a small salon or at home use laser you might want to consider laser system with pinpoint sized laser beam they range from $1,000 to $2,500 they are more cost efficient and more designed for smaller uses, but if you are needing a more professional hair removal machine you might consider a laser system with a 2cm laser beam or dual laser beams that contain a lot more total laser power then the systems more geared towards at home or small salon use and they have a larger target area; they range in price anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 and up.
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The Hair Removal Cost

More and more people seem to be interested in getting hair removed from their bodies through many different methods including waxing. And it is no longer just the brows, the upper lip or the underarms that are getting waxed. Many people, men and women alike, and getting total body waxing done and this hair removal cost can be extremely expensive. The more you want removed the more it is going to cost you. But for some people, the money involved does not matter as they budget in the hair removal cost with all of their other monthly expenses.

Hair removal cost will vary depending on exactly where it is that you want the hair removed from. Also, it varies upon where you are going and what part of the world you live in as some places seem to be a lot more expensive then others. But either way, when it comes to hair removal cost, you can generally shop around to try and get the best deal possible. But do be careful because sometimes you really do get what you pay for. The last thing you want is to deal with an unclean and unprofessional person who is just waiting to rip you off.

Being Prepared

A lot of businesses now have high quality websites for you to read over so that you can learn more about them as a business and so you feel more comfortable about setting an appointment with them. On these sites, the businesses do generally list the hair removal price for each section of the body so you can easily comparison shop. This is also a great way for them to advertise to you exactly what type of hair removal services they offer.

The hair removal cost should not be too expensive but it is a good idea to really know what it is that you want done or feel that you have to have done and just start with that. There is nothing wrong with just going in and having one area done in order to make sure that you are up for removing hair anywhere else. Once you know that you can handle more of it, you can scan through their hair removal cost list and see what else interests you. In the end, make sure that you are not spending too much money as there are kits you can do from home if the hair removal cost elsewhere is just too much for you to handle.
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The Permanent Hair Removal Facts You Need to Know

Hair removal facts are hard to come by when there is a lot of advertising that seems too good to be true. In fact, most of the time this is exactly what it is. A lot of hair removal products cannot completely remove hair permanently.

There are also a lot of confusing terms used to describe the length of time you will be hair free such as semi-permanent or long term removal. Hair removal facts seem to indicate that not everyone will have the same results after using the same product. It’s all down to your hair type and growth.

Painless Claims

If you hate the pain of waxing and are attracted to brochures that claim that there is a particular method that is pain free you should think twice. A lot of the time hair removal information provided by manufacturers can be misleading. That’s why its important to have hair removal information.

Electrolysis is one of the methods of hair removal that has been used for many years with good results. For most consumers this method can produce permanent hair removal if performed by a well trained and skilled practitioner. You should check that the practitioner you go to has some sort of certification.

Hair removal facts point that this method is not completely pain free. Although most people can tolerate the pain associated with this method without any need for pain relief medication, it is definitely not a totally pain free method of removing hair.

Trained Professionals

Hair removal facts caution that a trained professional should only carry out this procedure. Your results could be less than satisfactory if the person performing the procedure was not properly trained. An untrained person can leave you with skin damage or spread infection. Proper insertion of the needle should not puncture your skin, there should be no bleeding of any kind.

You should also avoid anyplace that claims that there is a 0% regrowth. Hair removal facts stress that there is no such thing. This method although quite successful in removing hair can be tedious and is perhaps unsuitable for large areas of hair.

The procedure can also be quite time consuming and expensive. Some people do not respond to this treatment at all. To determine if you fall into this category it is advisable that you carry out a test patch type trial. Have the procedure done on a small part of the area you wish to treat and observe the results.
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