• Do you sport at least five high-end fashion labels on a daily basis?
• Do you need an excuse to go shopping for clothes?
• Are you in awe of anything that sounds like Prada?
• Do beauty counter salesgirls go ecstatic when they see you approaching?
If you answered even one of these questions in the affirmative, you are a junkie already. But don’t despair, it’s not a problem, as long as you make the right choices, have good taste and can afford it.
Here’s the lowdown on how to be a smart style junkie this year:
All for a label: Big brands are good, but not always the best option for everyone. The smartest style junkies make sure that they make an effort to find the funkiest vintage clothes, the latest chic and cheap accessories and the slickest shoes. It will mean hours of searching alleys and bylanes for the best bargains, but will be worth every minute of the effort. If you do want to splurge on a l ab e l , ch o o s e one or t wo i t e m s t h at w i l l s p e a k f o r themselves, like a classic handbag or a swanky pair of shoes. Otherwise wear clothes that are stylish and not terribly expensive.
When in doubt, buy it: Dithering over buying an outfit? If it is affordable, it is best to buy it, because when you go and look for the same outfit the second time around, it will not be available. This is especially true when you are looking for bargains in bylanes or at huge malls where merchandise moves rapidly. A smart style junkie will, however, take time to do a survey of everything available, before buying anything.