Is it Possible to be Friends With Your Parents?
Always Treat your parents the way you want them to treat you. If you want your parents to listen to you, then listen to what your parents have to say. Giving respect to your parents and gains respect from them.
Always Do something social with your parents and get to know who they are as your parents. Just as you might try a sport with a new friend, why not join your parents in their hobbies and let them take part in your hobbies.
Please Don't take advantage. Children (and sometimes adults) often see parents as a bank clerks, chefs or house keepers. Instead of letting your parents do everything for you, share in tasks and burdens . Alawys be responsible for your actions.
Always Take part in your family activities, such as birthdays or visiting elderly relatives. Doing things together with your parents makes relationships stronger.
In case your parents are both alike, make sure to get one-on-one time with each of them, not just time with them as a couple. It's a good way to break down old habits and styles of interaction; also, it's more intimate. You will gradually notice that your parent opens up to you more, or opens up in different ways, when the other parent isn't present.
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