Easy Life Tips

November 18, 2006

Is it Possible to be Friends With Your Parents?

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone got on with their parents better? These tips will help build a better relationship with your mother and father.

Always Treat your parents the way you want them to treat you. If you want your parents to listen to you, then listen to what your parents have to say. Giving respect to your parents and gains respect from them.

Always Do something social with your parents and get to know who they are as your parents. Just as you might try a sport with a new friend, why not join your parents in their hobbies and let them take part in your hobbies.

Please Don't take advantage. Children (and sometimes adults) often see parents as a bank clerks, chefs or house keepers. Instead of letting your parents do everything for you, share in tasks and burdens . Alawys be responsible for your actions.

Always Take part in your family activities, such as birthdays or visiting elderly relatives. Doing things together with your parents makes relationships stronger.

In case your parents are both alike, make sure to get one-on-one time with each of them, not just time with them as a couple. It's a good way to break down old habits and styles of interaction; also, it's more intimate. You will gradually notice that your parent opens up to you more, or opens up in different ways, when the other parent isn't present.


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Tips to Answer a Phone Call

Wait a moment to let go of whatever you were doing on so you can concentrate on the conversation. Bring a smile before you picking up the phone; it will surely make a difference in how you sound.

Say, "Hello" , "Hi" or maybe "The Smith's Residence". If you are a child or teen, say what your parents asked of you. Don't fool around with the greeting or salutations. It might be a figure of authority! Don't say 'Yo man' or something like that because you don't know who it is on the other end.

If the caller does not introduce him/herself, say, "May I ask who's speaking?" In this way you will not offend him/her.

Unless you are very sure of who is on the other end, do not involve into gossip or talk very soon until you are 100 percent sure that it is someone you know. If you talk too soon, it might baffle the caller, or you might even leak out some personal details to the speaker which you did not intend to share with strangers.

Listen carefully to find out what the reason the person is calling, and respond in a propper manner. Don't ever answer an unknown person unless you need to know some more information on why they were calling. Act with caution. If they ask for information about you or other people don't give it to them under any circumstances, even if they say who they supposedly are. Just pollitely say "I'm sorry sir/madam, I'm quite wary of giving away my personal details. Is it essential?" If the answer is yes then ask further questions, but try not to give away any details.


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November 17, 2006

Develop web sites with MoreMotion Web Express 3

MoreMotion Web Express enables users to develop web sites and their pages without having an experienced knowledge of HTML.

Its unique design capabilities make it possible to design state-of-the-art pages easily. Web Express does not have the limits that other so-called WYSIWY.

MoreMotion fully supports third party components with its open architecture. Detailed information about developing components is documented in the help files.

Alternate versions of pages can be created in Advanced Suite projects. An alternate version can serve various purposes such as creating an identical page in another language or presenting the same content with a different layout. Alternate pages are created fully identical to their parent and can be modified independent of them. The displaying of alternate pages is managed by mmExec.

MoreMotion Web Express has all the functionality of Web Designer except that the XSL generation capability.

Click here to download MoreMotion Web Express.

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November 16, 2006

Student Loan Consolidation Information

Government student loan consolidation is a great tool that can be used to get a worry free start in life. The majority of academy graduates face overpowering debt that has assembled during their college years. This problem is heighten when buying a home and starting a family, all of this debt puts a lot of force on you as you try to start your career. Government student loan consolidation gives you the opportunity to lower your monthly bills and pay a lower interest rate than you would have had before.

It would be in your best interest to re-evaluate and appraise each of these plans to find out which one suits you best. Many financial institutions have counsellor than can also help you make choices about plans. You should circumspectly consider your options and choices, interest rates are very low and will assumably rise soon so now is your best fortune to take domination of government student loan consolidation programs. For many people this makes managing your monthly bills easier.

Benefits of debt consolidation include: lower payments, lower interest and if done correctly you can advance your credit rating. Recovering your credit rating can pay major dividends now and in the future. Your credit score is becoming more important everyday, companies are beginning to look at your credit rating for things besides loans. Your credit rating can outcome your facility to get insurance and even a job.
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November 15, 2006

Open Computer Application Quickly with PS Hot Launch

From pssoftlab.com

PS Hot Launch is meant to quickly run different applications, open documents, go to the right folders and web pages, send mail to a specified address, etc.

The above operations are carried out through the menu that can be called by clicking the program icon in the taskbar system tray, and also by pressing user assigned hot keys (support for the key significantly extends the number of possible combinations).

The list of applications, documents, folders can be shown as a tree, that is you can divide everything that you want to run into logical groups that make it easier and quicker to find the tasks that you want now. This grouping will allow you to form a very handy structure of the executable commands. Using the structure, you can very quickly find and run something that you want now.

PS Hot Launch is a perfect alternative to the Start menu and the Quick Launch panel.
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How to Choose a Best Web Hosting Service?

Web hosting features requirement: You need to decide the technical requirements for your website, this including:

Server platform: Windows Platform for Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic scripts, Cold Fusion or Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL database. Unix/Linux platform for Perl, CGI, SSI, PHP or mySQL database

Disk space & Bandwidth requirement: Usally, a disk space with 50MB to 500MB should be enough to meet your hosting requirement. In contrast, if you are hosting a website with huge amount of graphic pictures, mp3 or video files, then you should choose a web hosting plan that provide huge disk space, for example, 500 MB to 1,000 MB.

A website that expect to generate high traffic will consume the monthly bandwidth allowance very fast. If so, you will need to find one web hosting service that offer huge bandwidth with 50 GB to 100 GB per month.
Reliability and scalability: Choose a web hosting service that guarantee at least 99% server uptime with high-speed Internet backbones using at least OC3 (Optical Carrier) lines (155 Megabits per second) or above instead of T1 or T3 lines.

Customer service and support: Choose a web hosting provider that offers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week technical support that fstaffed by experienced technicians, so that any web hosting problems will be resolved within a reasonable amount of time.
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Tips to Escape from a Hotel Fire

Find Out your escape routes when you arrive at the hotel. If a fire started in your home, you'd probably know the best way to get out, and you'd probably be able to find your way there even in complete darkness.

Learn the map and find the nearest exit, ss soon as you get to your room. Then find the alternate exits. Walk the potential escape routes from your room all the way to the outside of the building.

Always try to get a room in the lower levels of the hotel. If a fire starts, you'll want to get out of the building as quickly as possible. This can be difficult if your room is in the upper floors of a high-rise hotel.

Make sure the windows in your room open. If they do not, locate something in your room that you could throw through the window. Visualize how you would make your escape through the window, and make note of ledges or fire escapes that might assist you.


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November 14, 2006

What to do with your Wet Cell Phone?

Dry your phone. Use a paper towel to remove as much of the water as possible. You need to remove as much of the water as soon as you can to prevent it from getting into the phone. Allow the phone to dry. Since you do not want to ruin your phone or lose all the numbers in your phone book, you need to allow the phone to dry

Remove the battery. This is one of the most important steps. Don't take time to think about it, electricity and water do not mix.

Remove your SIM card ,some or all of your valuable contacts could be stored on your SIM (along with other data). SIM cards survive water damage well but some of the following steps are unnecessary i.e. don't heat it.

Apply enough heat to your phone to cause the water to evaporate without water-logging your digital screen. One of the best things you can do to save a cell phone is to set it on the back of your computer monitor or TV screen over the heat vents. This is usually the perfect amount of heat to fix your phone.

Test your phone. Make sure everything is clean and dry looking and re-attach the battery to the phone and see if it works. If your phone does not work repeat above step. If it still won't work, try taking your cell phone to an authorized dealer. Sometimes they can fix it
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November 13, 2006

when you start a Relationship with a new partner

You might feel the need to pour on the charm in your partner’s presence, but this is actually the wrong vibe to emit. Sooner or later, they’ll realise the phoniness of your actions. Let them know but tone it down gradually.

The last thing you want to do at the beginning of a budding relationship is put your partner down. More than any other time, it is in the first stages that you should be open-minded and accepting of their ways and habits. Hold your tongue and be understanding.

A fundamental issue that is essential in any flourishing relationship is honesty. Telling lies or omitting pertinent things about yourself will only lead to problems later on. Laying your habits — and everything else that makes you tick — out on the table is the only way to start a relationship last a long time.
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New Relationship Tips

Live in the moment when you start your life with a new partner. Here are a few tips that will help you to get along smoothly

It is quite easy to slip into a comfort zone once you start settling into a “couple’s routine,” but the worst thing anyone can do is take their partner for granted. Don’t say “I love you”. Although a serious commitment is what you want, there is no need to pressure your partner early on. Saying, “I love you” prematurely is a big no-no, as they might feel forced to respond or may even reject you on the spot. Show your affection by making eye contact.

It is true that you should be yourself around your partner, but remember to hold off on displaying different facets of your personality until the right time. If you’re a great cook, don’t let them know of all your skills all at once. By showing off too much initially, you leave little to liven the relationship later on.
Taking a new partner to a family gathering the first few months into dating can often be misconstrued as too serious a move. Although you love your parents, it is best to introduce your family at a time when they’ll easily understand your motives and be able to put up with some uncomfortable questions from a rude grandfather.


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November 12, 2006

When you start your life with a new partner

Live in the moment when you start your life with a new partner. Here are a few tips that will help you to get along smoothly

The beginning of a new relationship is often looked upon as the most electric and dizzying; a time when all you can think about is the awesome partner in your life. Although it may feel like you can do no wrong during those first few months of being together, there are some things you have to avoid like the plague. Certain topics are very delicate at this point, and if you come on too strong, your partner may take it as a warning sign that you’re looking too far ahead. Go with the flow, live in the moment and take a look at the following tips that will help your relationship move along swimmingly.


While physical attraction was probably what gave you the courage (or motivation) to initiate a conversation with your partner in the first place, it is important that you show that sex need not come first. Be patient, establish the strong bond you are yearning for and the rest will fall into place. Don’t call them “my girl/ guy”. One small, but important habit that needs to be broken, is introducing your new partner as your girlfriend/ boyfriend. In doing this, you might come off as insecure, making sure everybody knows you have a partner.


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How to tackle some of the holes in your career ?

There's no time like the present: Even if you were just recently unemployed, you should avoid listing dates for your previous job as "2002 – Present." Hiring managers will find out soon enough that you are no longer working and your efforts will come off as either being sneaky or lazy. Sneaky: because you made it appear that you were still employed when you weren't. Lazy: because it looks like you didn't take the time to update your resume before sending it to the prospective employer.

Avoid the openended date: If you have been out of work for some time, be careful about using the format "2002 - " If or when the hiring manager discovers that your previous job ended several months ago, this tactic may appear to be dishonest. This format should only be used if you are still employed. Some job seekers keep this format as long as they are receiving severance. While this is plausible rationale for showing your employment dates as such, it may not sit well with an interviewer.

While some experts are divided on how job seekers who have breaks in their employment history should handle the issue, all agree that candidates should be prepared to explain the gap briefly and honestly at some point during the job seeking process.
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Be Honest about Employment Gaps

Here are a few tips on how to tackle some of the holes in your career

List consulting, self-employment and volunteer work: If the amount of time between jobs was lengthy, it's helpful to show that you were doing something productive to maintain or hone your skills. Whether you worked as a freelancer or consultant, or did volunteer work for a community organisation or non-profit, you should consider listing this activity and outlining the experience you gained from it. If you chaired a major fundraiser for a civic organisation or helped run a food pantry or clothing exchange, consider putting this information in a section at the bottom of your resume entitled "Additional Experience."

List positions and employment dates by year only: If you were laid off and out of work for only a few months, include just the years you were employed at each job. This is especially useful if you were laid off from more than one employer and if your periods of unemployment were relatively brief. Your resume should list your employment history in reverse chronological order along with your accomplishments.


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Stress - Take it Easy

Find time to meet friends
Friends help us see things in a different way. The activities we engage in with friends usually help us relax and we will often have a good laugh. It boosts the immune system which is often depleted during stress.

Try to see things differently
If something is bothering you try to see it differently. Talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. Often, talking to somebody else will help you see things from a different and less stressful perspective.

Avoid alcohol and nicotine

Long term, these faulty coping mechanisms will just add to the problem. For example, caffeine is a stimulant and our body reacts to this with the stress response
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Tips to Handle your Stress

Here are some Tips to Handle your Stress when it hault your happiness in your life.

Find out what causes you stress
Take time to discover what is worrying you and try to change your behaviour to reduce it.

Avoid unnecessary conflict
Don't be too argumentative. Is it really worth the stress? Look for win - win situations. Look for a solution to a dispute where both parties can achieve a positive outcome.

Accept the things you cannot change
Changing a difficult situation is not always possible. If this proves to be the case recognise and accept things as they are.

Take time out to relax and recharge your batteries
You will perform much better after a break and easily make up the time you used relaxing. Relaxation helps your body return to its normal healthy state. Good relaxation techniques include breathing exercises, massage and a variety of complimentary therapies.


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How to Beat Stress?

We all know what pressure is like at work with meetings and deadlines. However, stress develops if workers can no longer cope with the pressures

1 Learn to manage your time more effectively
Prioritise your day and do the important jobs first. The unimportant ones can wait, and often they will disappear completely leaving you time to do other things. Also do not put off the unpleasant tasks. Every time we think about them we cause ourselves stress. Give an unpleasant task a high priority and do it first.

2 Adopt a healthy lifestyle

If we eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and ensure we get adequate rest our body is better able to cope with stress should it occur.

3 Know your limitations and do not take on too much

We cause ourselves a great deal of stress because we like people to like us and do not want to let people down. We then end up doing more than we should. Learn to be assertive and how to say no without upsetting or offending people.
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