Are you cranky or stressed because you are not getting enough rest? Here’s how you can feel more rested?
Feeling crabby lately? It could be
because you aren’t
getting enough sleep. Although the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night, that number could be hard to come by if you consider the fact that work, taking care of children and managing a household leaves you with very little time in hand.
Then there are the unexpected challenges that can keep you up at night — financial worries, layoffs, illness or relationship issues. Compounding the problem is the fact that if you don’t get the rest you need, you’ll find it even harder to deal with the stress causing your sleep problems to begin with.
Try one or two of the following tips or a combination until you have enough quality sleep to feel alert and well-rested. If these tips don’t work, see your doctor.
Stick to a schedule, and don’t sleep late on weekends: If you sleep late on Saturday and Sunday morning, you’ll get Sunday night insomnia. Instead, go to bed and get up at about the same time every day. “You don’t need to rely on an alarm clock to wake up when you get enough sleep,” says Dr Shepard.
Don’t eat or drink a lot before bedtime: Eat a light dinner about two hours before sleeping. If you drink too much liquid before sleeping, you’ll wake up repeatedly in the night for trips to the bathroom. Don’t eat spicy or fatty foods. They can cause heartburn.
If you get the bedtime munchies, eat something that triggers serotonin, which makes you sleepy. Carbohydrates (bread or cereal) or foods containing the amino acid L-tryptophan (milk, tuna, or turkey) will do the trick.
Don’t drink alcohol near bedtime. It may cause you to wake up repeatedly, to snore, and it may exacerbate sleep apnea.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine: They’re addictive stimulants and keep you awake. Smokers often experience withdrawal symptoms at night, and smoking in bed can be dangerous. Caffeine should be avoided for eight hours before your desired bedtime.
Exercise: If you’re trying to sleep better, the best time to exercise is in the afternoon. A programme of regular physical activity enhances the quality of nocturnal sleep.
A slightly cool room is ideal for sleeping: This mimics your internal temperature drop during sleep. If you tend to get cold, use blankets. If you overheat at night, wear light nightclothes.