Does your Site has a popular 'keyword' to get search engine Traffic?

To see your website on Top listing of Search engine result for non popular keyword is not a BIG thing. So your site should be focussed on a Popular Keyword.
How to find Popular keyword or Most Searched Quiries?
There are many web tool avialiable now to test wether your keyword is popular or not. Some these I am currently using are these sites Overture, Google, and Wordtracker. You get an idea of how popular is your keyword by looking at the search count.
Once you find a popular keyword, all you can do is Search Engine Optimization rules. Put your keyword on Title, Description, Keyword list and on your Content. You may also want to read an article on Keyword Research.
You can also use the keyword density tool to achieve optimum keyword density for a set of key terms. Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions.
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