Easy Life Tips

November 11, 2006

Snap out of a bad mood with these fun tips

Listless! You’re the modern novelist’s dream. Bored with everything and everyone, life seems futile, and you don’t feel alive. Snap out of it! List out and do all the crazy things you always wanted to do.

Remember a time when you did feel alive (there has to be a point like that, otherwise you wouldn’t know that you don’t feel so peppy anymore) and recreate it.

Melancholic! You can’t afford to be moping your life away. If your life doesn’t seem so hot, interfere in someone else’s life with a good intent. It could be a favourite aunt or a best friend who could use help tiding over a rough patch, or someone whose life could use exactly the kind of know-how you specialise in. On a more serious note, NGOs and charities are always short of volunteers.

Stressed! The secret to a long and happy life? Just breathe. Stop and take a deep breath when your nerves begin to tie themselves into little knots of worry (it won’t look weird if you stop to do this, even in a public place. In fact, it makes for quite a dignified gesture). To go further with the breathing theme, try to inhale something you would like to breathe in. Aromatherapy candles at home, potpourri at your desk, fresh flowers, all reduce stress and give you a feeling of well-being and contentment.

Bored! Nothing to do? Work!! People who have absolutely nothing to do get bored and depressed. Take up an old hobby, or something interesting that you always wanted to do. Start doing the things you’ve been promising yourself you’ll get around to doing someday, like catching up on your reading. You could even get a part-time job, or enroll in a course. And whatever you do, it should work your mind, not just distract it!

Bottled up! Are you the mysterious soul tormented by a secret sorrow? Such people are interesting only in the movies, or in Gothic romances. Let it out! It is OK to cry, though a public airing of private woes may not be such a great idea. See a sad, tear-jerking movie that will bring out those unshed tears. According to the Aristotelian Theory of Catharsis, when you feel the main character’s emotion like your own, your repressed feelings come out and your system is cleansed.

Happiness is a process, something that you have to find and foster just like everything else in your life. Get off your behind and grab your share of sunshine!


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Beat Those Crawling PC Blues

Since prevention is better than cure, the first step is minimising the fragmentation. Eventually, fragmentation can’t be avoided. Once you start running out of space, new data is bound to get split up when stored on the disk. But yes, you can optimise the system such that this happens not so often. Believe it or not, the moves you make even before you install the Operating System such as Windows 2000 or XP makes a big difference.

Partitioning the hard drive is the first step. It’s always recommended to install the OS and all programs in a separate partition and create others on the disk according to the usage. If you’re looking at Windows XP, then the partition size should be between 10-15 GB, depending on the number of programs you intend on installing. Then if you have a lot of music and videos, keep those in another partition. How this helps is simple--fragmentation on one partition will not affect the performance of another.

Despite the fact that the drive where you’ve saved all the multimedia might be heavily used and highly fragmented, the Windows OS on the whole will continue to run smoothly, along with the other programs installed.

If your OS is already installed, don’t fret; you can still go about making changes if you feel
the need to do so. Visit www.acronis.com and download the Disk Director Suite version 10.
This program suite comes with very handy system management tools like a partition manager with which you can create, delete, split, merge and resize the partitions on the hard drive. Then there’s a recovery tool that can restore partitions that have been deleted by mistake. This ought to be a must have tool on any computer system and will be useful for both novices and enthusiasts.

Next in line, get hold of a couple of backup tools like Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image. Both of these programs perform a similar function, that is, cloning a partition. This is how it works: The most tedious part about reinstalling an operating system is, having to configure your settings all over again, reinstalling all the software and backing up the files. This is the biggest reason why most computer users are turned off at the very thought of it.

Ghost and True Image work by taking a snapshot of the partition, which is called an image. So if you created an image of your Windows partition, and you had to reinstall the OS, all you have to do is fire up the program (Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image) and reload the image. It would be as if you were t r a n s p o r t e d back in time, back to the point when you created the image. So much for that virus or spyware, which tried to render your machine non-operational.

Finally, defragment your system! You can either use Windows’ built-in defragmenting tool that’ll do a decent job or you can download specialised software such as O&O Defrag or Raxco PerfectDisk.

The advantage that these programs have over Window’s default defragmenter is that they do a much more thorough job of reorganising the data. O&O Defrag, for instance, has several modes. One of the modes defragments in the background as you work, thus using minimal resources.
To summarise what’s mentioned above, start by creating correct partitions according to your usage. Then install the OS of your choice along with the programs you need.

After that, create an image of the partition using any of the tools mentioned above. The image will help you restore your machine to that initial state if need be.
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November 10, 2006

Tips to Prevent and Treat Dandruff

Eat a healthy, balanced diet. As if you needed another reason to eat right, it crook out that a healthy diet may ward off the flakes. Make sure to get plenty of zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, and B-vitamin, and avoid excessive yeast and sugar. Research suggests that dandruff is at least in part caused by a fungus that thrives in yeasty, fatty, sugary surround. Though this does not neccesarily directly affect the conditions of your skin, your overall health will help with how your body responds to the fungus causing the dandruff.

Don't worry, be happy. Nervous Tension challenges the body's defenses and further all sorts of ailments, including dandruff, so relax now and don't worry about wearing a black shirt tomorrow.

Limit your use of hair styling products. Hairspray, mousse, and gel may give to dandruff in some people. They may also basis excessive drying of the skin, which can source flaking--or trigger allergic reactions. If you notice dandruff quickly after you begin to use a new product, chances are the product is to blame.

Be patient. While anti-dandruff shampoos may produce results after a few uses, it can take a week or two to see the difference.

Switch it up. If one type of anti-dandruff shampoo doesn't seem to work, or if it works for a time but then doesn't, switch to a product with another active element (the active ingredient will be labeled on the bottle).

Use a shampoo designed to treat dandruff. If dandruff endure despite regular shampooing, you may need something stronger. There are a variety of anti-dandruff shampoos available at your pharmaceutics or grocery store, and they usually work. Be sure to follow the directives carefully, and make a little extra time to shower, as most of these recommend that you leave them in for 5-10 minutes and lather twice. If the anti-dandruff shampoos seem to not work you can also try a shampoo which contains tea tree oil, this natural oil helps moisturize your scalp and keep the flakes away. (You can also add tea tree oil to your shampoo yourself. Add 5 or 6 drops to begin with.)

Wash your hair regularly. Dandruff seems to thrive in oily hair, so regular shampooing can help you fight it off. If you before now have dandruff, washing your hair may help you keep the symptoms (the flakes) under control until it goes away. Massage your scalp so that you clean your skin, as well as your hair. This is one time when the "repeat" instructions in "wash, rinse, and repeat" may be informative. The first washing breaks up the waxy sebum, and the second washing helps wash it all away.


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Best Way To Get Back Links

Number one way to generate a ton of back links?

Article Submission

So why is it article submission with all the software out there? There are many reasons and here they are:

1) Some software maybe able to get more back links faster but if I chose one this would be it because it will last a long time. This is something that has worked for years and will continue to work. Your back links will also stay active a long time.

2) It's good for both short term and long term results. Your articles will be indexed quickly giving back links with 24-48 hours and they will have a viral effect building over time.

3) It's ethical. This method it great for everyone because some people don't want to use software that may upset other people and that's fine. This method will not get anyone mad with you.

4) You can outsource the hard part. The worst part about submitting articles is writing them. You can outsource article writing for anywhere as low as three bucks per article and defiantly no more than $5 per article making your life a lot easier.
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November 09, 2006

Nightmare Before Christmas - New Blog Site

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 stop motion animated melodious film about the people of Halloween Town who take over Christmas one year, concentrating by stop-motion animator Henry Selick. The film is loosely based on drafting and a poem by Tim Burton, and he served as co-producer. He did not direct the film as is sometimes believed, but he was heavily involved.

The film was released by Touchstone Pictures, a film studio owned by the Walt Disney Company, after the main Walt Disney Pictures division balked at some of the darker content.

The remastered 3-D version of the film was re-released by Walt Disney Pictures on October 20, 2006. Note that it is 3-D via 3-D glasses and not CGI
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Download Live Website Chat Software

From: chatstat.com

Live Website Chat:
Chat with visitors to your website instantly using text or voice!
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Virtual Call Center: Integrate VoIP into your website by placing our "Call Me Back Now!" buttons on your site.

Integrated Softphone: Use Skype, GoogleTalk, or ChatStat "Business Class VoIP" to make and receive calls to any phone. ChatStat has a built in dialer pad, contact manager, and call queue system.

Multi-Protocol Instant Messenger: ChatStat can let you chat with AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, and Skype contacts, including chatting with other site operators!

Download Link
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November 08, 2006

Tips for Safe Hair Removal

Hair is an outgrowth of the skin, that is present over the entire body except for the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. That hair consists of a root formed in the dermis, and a hair shaft that projects above the skin, and grows in a cavity called a hair follicle. Proliferation of cells in the bulb of the hair causes the hair to form.

In certain locations on the body, hair growth is controlled by sex hormones. The most vivid example is the growth of hair on the face (such as a beard, or mustache), the chest, and the back. This hair growth is controlled by male hormones known as androgens.

Some women with higher levels of testosterone have hair in the areas generally thought of as masculine, such as the face, chest, and lower abdomen. This is often no more than a normal genetic variation. If it appears along with irregular menses, and weight changes, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance.

However, excessive growth of hair, especially on areas that should have minimal hair growth, can be irritating to look at. For women, this excessive hair growth is often undesirable for any area. For this reason, hair removal is considered as the ultimate solution to the problem.

There are many types of hair removal available in the market today. If you want do-it-yourself hair removal, you may opt for waxes.

With the inception of new technology, innovative devices have been created to intensify the efficiency of removing excessive hair growth. This process is made possible through the use of lasers, and if referred to simply as laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal amplifies, or generates highly specialized light energy. The lasers themselves, can generate immense heat and power when focused at close range, and are valuable tools in surgical and cosmetic procedures.

Generally, the argon laser, carbon dioxide laser, and tunable pulse dye laser are used in dermatological surgery for the process of laser hair removal. Each type of laser emits its own wavelength within the color spectrum.

The laser used for laser hair removal can penetrate approximately 1 mm of skin, even reaching the pigmented layer. This initiates removing the hair from the shaft, and not just the upper portion of the hair.

As the laser beam strikes tissue, it is absorbed by the intracellular and extra-cellular water, which vaporizes, destroying the tissue. The laser used for laser hair removal is a precise surgical instrument that vaporizes and excises tissue with minimal damage. Since it can produce damage to the skin tissue, laser hair removal must be performed by an expert. Careful consideration must be met in order to promote safe and effective removal of excessive hair growth.

So to initiate the safe use of laser hair removal, one must evaluate first, if they are an acceptable candidate for laser hair removal. To facilitate the assessment, one should consider the following factors:

Skin Color People who have higher melanin on their skin, or who have darker skin color, are not ideal candidates for laser hair removal. This is because dark skin tends to suck up more light and heat than those who have fairer, or lighter skin color.

In essence, people with lighter skin color generate faster effects.

Hair Color Ideal candidates should have hair colors that are darker than those adjacent to the skin. This is to avoid tissue destruction.

Given all those facts, it is important that you consider the condition of your skin as well as your hair color to ensure safety and efficiency during the laser hair removal process.


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Text Magician - Free Text Format Tool

From david-pye.com

Edit text files the easy way. Join or split files while adding, deleting or replacing text, change to upper or lower case, capitalise all words or the start of all lines, add text to the start or end of lines, remove leading or trailing spaces, add or remove blank lines, remove text blocks, alphabetise lines in file(s), split files at specified lines or text or into a specified number of files, works on multiple files and on files of unlimited size.

I wrote this for my own use after I couldn't find a program to do what I wanted, it's extremely easy to use with a simple interface.

Download Link: Click Here
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November 07, 2006

How to keep you cool while running when the weather is hot ?

It’s summertime and you head out for a run. Before you even finish the first mile, your body feels as though it might ignite from the heat. It’s not your imagination. Fifteen minutes into your run and your body temperature could be very high. If you were to continue at this pace, fatigue and heat illness would no doubt take over.

The above scenario doesn’t have to happen. Drinking enough fluid, whether it be water or a sports drink, is imperative for exercising in hot or humid weather. Maintenance of body fluids is essential to maintaining proper body temperature. Sweat dispels heat through your skin. If you let your body become dehydrated, you’ll find it much more difficult to perform even the lightest of workouts.

But don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start replenishing those fluids. Chances are, by the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is well on its way to becoming severely dehydrated.

The following strategies will help you protect yourself from the onset of heat illness:

Hydration Fluid replenishment before, during and after exercise is essential to avoid progressive dehydration. Always consume more fluids
than you think you need before and after exercise, and strive to drink six to eight ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

Exercise intensity You should probably reduce the intensity of your workout, particularly the first few times you are exposed to higher temperatures.

Temperature Determine the risk of exercising at various combinations of temperature and humidity. While high outdoor temperatures are relatively safe at 10 percent humidity, the heat stress at 50 percent humidity is very high. When the humidity rises, you may want to consider postponing your exercise session until later in the day. Or, plan ahead, and beat the day’s heat by working out early in the morning.

Fitness Physical training and heat acclimatisation can increase your blood volume, helping to regulate body temperature more effectively. Interestingly, the acclimatisation process can be completed in seven to 14 days of repeated heat exposure. However, you must always continue to drink fluids before, during and after exercise.

Clothing Wear minimal clothing to provide greater skin surface area for heat dissipation. Your clothing should be lightweight, loose fitting, light coloured to reflect the sun’s rays, and of a material that absorbs water.

Rest Know when to say ‘no’ to exercise. Using common sense is your best bet for preventing heat stress when Mother Nature turns up the heat.
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How to sleep tight?

Many who work till late in the night have difficulty sleeping during the daytime while the rest of the world is awake. Working late shifts changes your normal cycle, here are some tips that can help you adjust

How to sleep tight: Try not to drink caffeine too close to the end of your work shift. It can keep you from falling asleep. Avoid smoking near the end of your shift. Nicotine is a stimulant. Prepare for bed as you normally would at night, and establish a routine. Eat something light before going to bed. Otherwise, hunger pangs can awaken you. Darken your bedroom. Too much light can interfere with the quality of sleep. Hang up blackout curtains, drape dark sheets over the windows or use a sleep mask. Minimise noise and possible distractions. Unplug the phone; close the bedroom door; use earplugs. Get a full day’s sleep. Sleep the same number of hours you would at night. Schedule appointments or other activities during your waking hours, not during the middle of your sleep time.

Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day/night. It will help train your body to adjust to its new sleep routine.

Tips : Working straight shifts is easier on your body than rotating shifts. A longer rotation is less stressful than a short one, such as rotating every three weeks instead of every week. Keep the workplace brightly lit, if possible, to avoid drowsiness at work.

Warnings: If you still can’t sleep, you may want to consult your physician. Chronic sleep deprivation can be dangerous to your own health and safety as well as that of others. Alternatively, you may want to consider going back to a regular dayshift job. If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet.


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November 06, 2006

How to keep your PC running smoothly?

Isn’t it frustrating how a few months of negligence can slow down even the most powerful systems? A brand new machine may be quick to respond initially, but maintain regular usage and within a short period of time, the computer will start to act up.

First, the operating system will take long to load. Then starting up a program like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop will make you want to go fetch yourself a glass of water, hoping that it’ll be done when you return. This happens because, over a period of time, as the hard drive gets more and more filled with data, the information gets further scattered across the disk, resulting in fragmentation.

Essentially, fragmentation is the splitting up of files across the hard drive. So the next time you want to access a particular file, be it a song or a presentation, it’ll take longer than usual because the computer will have to compile the file from all the broken bits spread across the disk. The more fragmented the hard drive gets, the slower your computer will perform.
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November 05, 2006

Follow these tips the day before a big party to help you get a celeb-style flat tum

Avoid food that make you bloated: Typical culprits include onions, baked beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts and other green leafy vegetables.

Avoid salty food: Because too much salt can make fluid retention wrose.

Don’t eat until you feel stuffed: Your poor digestive system will produce loads more air and gas at it works overtime to cope with that food.

Drink camomile or peppermint tea: It will help ease that bloated feeling.

Avoid diet or low-carb products: They contain sweeteners sorbitol, mannitol or maltitol, which act like laxatives, producing wind. Not attractive or sociable. Add parsley: to soups, sandwiches and salads – it keeps your breath fresh and is a diuretic that fights fluid retention.

wallow too much air and you’ll end up with a bloated tummy. On the day of the party, avoid the following:

Talking while eating. Drinking through a straw or using sports bottle. Chewing gum. Eating when you’re on the move. Drinking water from a water fountain. Consuming fizzy drinks, including sparkling water. Eating when you’re upset.


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