Easy Life Tips

November 06, 2006

How to keep your PC running smoothly?

Isn’t it frustrating how a few months of negligence can slow down even the most powerful systems? A brand new machine may be quick to respond initially, but maintain regular usage and within a short period of time, the computer will start to act up.

First, the operating system will take long to load. Then starting up a program like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop will make you want to go fetch yourself a glass of water, hoping that it’ll be done when you return. This happens because, over a period of time, as the hard drive gets more and more filled with data, the information gets further scattered across the disk, resulting in fragmentation.

Essentially, fragmentation is the splitting up of files across the hard drive. So the next time you want to access a particular file, be it a song or a presentation, it’ll take longer than usual because the computer will have to compile the file from all the broken bits spread across the disk. The more fragmented the hard drive gets, the slower your computer will perform.


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