Easy Life Tips

November 01, 2006

Are you in a field job?

THE day for a typical executive is an unending series of deadlines, meetings, appointments and long hours at the desk or on the road. A hurried bite of whatever is at hand, cups and cups of tea and coffee to keep you going and the regular use of the believed stress busters - alcohol and smoking are the norm. The evening is either yet another round of negotiations or party time.

There is no time to think about health. Where’s the time to put together a nutritious meal? Sleep? Exercise? Take a holiday? Or just plain and simply take a day off to do what you like to do? In fact if most people really had a day off they wouldn’t know what to do!

Various analyses, done at workplaces, have found the commonest health problems, relating to executives - hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, headaches, heartburn, chronic fatigue symptoms and depression. Making healthy living second nature would help overcome most problems.

The advice often repeated can only be reiterated. Have patience with yourself. It takes six weeks to inculcate new habits, especially healthy ones. Make one more conscious, concerted effort.

Get rested. The body does the auto repairing while you sleep and also slows the ageing process. Evidence supports the fact that one is more efficient, thinks faster and performs better after a good night’s sleep.

For those commuting to work and driving themselves, switch off mentally from work and deadlines. Listen to music, relax yourself, start a little earlier and don’t speed.

Eat right. Don’t miss your breakfast.

ealthy servings of salads and fresh fruits help to nourish and cleanse the system. Bring a bag of fresh fruit and cut up vegetables to snack on during the workday.

Avoid the office favorites - samosas, vada pavs, wafers, pizzas and pastries. Order an idli sambhar or a brown bread sandwich instead.


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