Easy Life Tips

October 30, 2006

Obsession with exercise

Some people are obsessed with how many kilocalories or kilo joules they have used up during exercise. Remember that there are no absolute values - the amount of energy you use up during a gym session depends on many factors, such as how vigorously you have exercised, how long you exercise, what type of exercise you have done, the ambient temperature, the physiological response of your body to exercise, your body build and many other factors.

The energy values used to determine how much energy an individual uses during exercise are, therefore, also not absolute values and should be regarded as simple guidelines.

Always keep in mind that exercise has longer lasting effects on the human body, such as an increase in the basic metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after a session, and that these effects are not included in the calorie value of an activity such as cycling for 30 minutes.

Use exercise to assist your weight loss, but don't get frantic about how many kcal or kJ you have used up while exercising, otherwise you will get even more stressed.


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