Top tips for mass and power!

Probably the most overlooked aspect of bodybuilding is rest. Training in the gym tears down your muscles. Sleep is that time when your body rebuilds the damaged muscles. Without enough sleep, you'll never grow like you want. So make sure you stack enough Z's at night. As a guide, throw out your alarm clock. When you wake up on your own, you’ve slept enough.
Don’t overtrain
Overtraining can set you back months, even years. Stick to training each body part only once a week. You need to make sure you give your muscles plenty of rest between each training session. Pick a couple of basic movements, about three or four for each body part, and do three to four sets for each exercise. You’re probably thinking this is going to be easy, but trust me, if you do the sets right, you're going to be in for a world of hurt. And if you’re not, you are not lifting hard enough. Finally, don’t spend more than 60-90 minutes per training session. Anything more and you’ll run the risk of overtraining.
Consistency and variation
Consistency means training when you’re supposed to, not making lame excuses. More than any other sport, bodybuilding requires a serious level of commitment and dedication. So when it’s leg day... you do legs, Period. You should also consider adding variety to your routine when it becomes stagnant. Mix up the order of your exercises. Add a few drop sets for a change. The human body is highly adaptive. Keep shocking it with new exercises and variations.
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