Easy Life Tips

December 30, 2006

Create Professional, Quality Podcasts with WildVoice Studio

WildVoice StudioFrom Wildvoice.com: Free software that makes it easy and fun to record podcasts. Just record your show, including music and sound effects as you talk, then publish it directly to the Web!

WildVoice Studio makes it easy and fun to record podcasts and other audio.

  • Record your show in clips, mixing in music and sound effects as you talk.
  • Edit your clips, cutting out the parts you don’t like.
  • WildVoice Studio merges your clips into a finished show that you can upload at WildVoice.com or any site that supports audio files.WildVoice Studio

System Requirements:
Windows XP
1 microphone (even a cheap one will do)
1 oz. patience (this is a beta, after all)
WildVoice Studio Setup will install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, if it's not already installed.

WildVoice Studio allows you to:
  • Split a clip – This is useful if you want to insert an audio clip into the middle of a Podcast.
  • Trim a clip – This allows you to remove audio from the beginning or end of an audio clip
  • Combine clips – You can combine two or more clips together to create your Podcast
Download Link
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December 29, 2006

Every Day Space Blog - Tips of Year 2006

Here is a List of Tips, Our Blog Every Day Space has Published in the Year ! Enjoy Reading!!

10 healthy diet tips
10 tips for healthy relationships
Dating ideas for men
Dating tips for men
Tips for better sex

Tips for better sleep
Tips on how to avoid taking loan
Tips to help you buy furniture
5 relationship resolution tips
Balanced life tips from mandira bedi

Tips for hygienic kitchen
Tips for safe banking
Tips for successful interview follow
Tips on removing blackheads
Tips on saving energy

Tips on writing thank you note
Work at home tips
5 tips to keep flu away
5 tips to overcome fear of marriage
Few cv tips and ideas

Few tips for best valentines day
Follow these useful tips for better Posture
Handy tips on sparkling your silver
Health tips to prevent cold
Some diet tips for office goers part 1

Some diet tips for office goers part 2
Some tips to help you get pregnant
Tips and tricks experts use to
Tips for best male fitness
Tips for couples seeking infertility

Tips for good sleep routine while
Tips for it managers career
Tips for retired life without baggage
Tips if you are feeling too tired to
Tips on deit obsession with weight

Tips on how to beat cold
Tips to avoid loneliness
Tips to choose shampoo for your hair 10
Tips to help it managers to be
Tips to know if your cat is sick

Tips to manage your anger
Tips to pack vegetables and fruits
Tips to wake up on time good bye to
Top tips for mass and power
Top tips on time management

Valuable survival tips to students
Pregnant preparation tips
Some interview tips to tackle
Some tips to help you shed your single
Tips for safe hair removal

Tips on decorating your home for
Tips to answer phone call
Tips to escape from hotel fire
Tips to handle your stress
Tips to help it managers stay ahead

Tips to prevent and treat dandruff
Air purifiers buying tips


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December 28, 2006

How to avoid post-marital humdrum?

How to avoid post-marital humdrum?Marriage is something that needs constant nurturing because after the initial first year mundane reality takes over and romance takes a backseat. And if you are into your career you have had it. You tend to become more concerned about bettering your career than your relationship. That’s the time you end up doing things unconsciously that can have an adverse effect on your lives. Here are a few things that you often end up doing but try and avoid doing it.


Dating was fun pre-marriage, the fun lasted till the honeymoon but after that it’s usually hanging around in groups and hitting the nightspots or going out for a weekend drive. Even long holidays are planned long beforehand so that all friends can join in. Stop that immediately! You need to spend leisure with each other. At least plan a holiday for the two of you once a year or make a weekend trip together. That helps you to talk and bond.


If both of you are into jobs then chances are that you have to hang out with your office group post work hours. When one spouse is already home, the call that you would you be out late and won’t have dinner at home, does not always go down smoothly on the other end of the phone. The same goes for you. You might not like it if your spouse is out with office colleagues at least three times a week. But if you are hitting a good restaurant carry the choicest dish home. Small gestures count.
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At conflict with your colleagues?

At conflict with your colleagues?Conflicts are unavoidable as you spend a third of your day with your work mates. Here are a few tips on how to cope with the subject

The saying goes that you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends. But what about colleagues? You don’t get to choose them, yet you spend a third of your day with them. To a certain extent they become your family away from home, and, as it goes with family, there are clashing personalities and different viewpoints. At work there are also the added pressures of deadlines and demanding bosses and clients. Conflict is bound to happen. How you handle it makes all the difference.

We all deal with conflict in our own way, whether effective or ineffective. The most common responses are confronting the person, avoiding the person, accommodating and compromising. These may seem very grown-up, but they all have their drawbacks, ranging from resentment, frustration, humiliation and being taken advantage of. The best approach is cooperation. In other words, finding a solution that leaves you and your colleague feeling satisfied. So how do you go about it?


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Easy Breastfeeding Plan While Pregnant

Easy Breastfeeding Plan While Pregnant Stopping or Weaning: If you do plan on stopping since you are pregnant, make sure it is for the right ground. If your child has reached a certain age, it might be best. But never just jerk it away from them. Your child could wonder why it is being taken away. Wonder if they had done something or become disheartened about the new baby coming. Some children determine to wean themselves, which is a big help to you and you won’t feel so shamed about it. You can choose to do it cold turkey, or slowly wean him/her off. Cold turkey can have some bad results. Try limiting his/her feeding times to certain hours and step by step as time passes take away more. Your child will speedily stop on his/her own and it won’t be a traumatic event.

Continuing to Feed:If you do plan on keep to breastfeed while you are pregnant, talk with your doctor about it. Not all the time will the doctor agree with your decision. Sometimes he/she may see something in your health that you don’t. Listen cautiously and find out if it is a health reason or merely his/her own belief. If it is the doctors belief, you can always seek out one that agrees with you. Being pregnant is hard enough at present time, knowing you have someone in your corner will only relieve the stress. Don’t be storm if your family and friends want to say something about it and they will likely give you all kind of advice on how to halt and what they’ve read. Nicely explain to them it is your conclusion and you’ll do what you think is best for your children. Attempt finding a support group in your area so you have someone to vent to or talk about these issues. Check out if there is a La Leche League near you or online that you can join.

Remember that as long as you take right care of yourself and your body, you’ll be able to safely breastfeed while pregnant.


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December 27, 2006

How to Make Best Friends

Take a few useful tips on making friends who stand by you through thick and thin!

There are things good friends do that assure a wide network friends. What are these things? Is it possible to expand your circle of friends by changing your behaviour and attitude towards people?

Some things good friends do instinctively: Good friends keep things to themselves that were told to them in confidence. They are reliable about things such as pre-arranged dates, times, or contributions to a dinner party. n They are not jealous of your other friends. On the contrary, real friends are happy for you. Good friends phone or visit when you are sick, or your mother has died. n They know when to listen and when to talk. They are one of those few people to whom you can say that you are not well, and they don’t feel uncomfortable.

They know when to back off — sometimes you just need space and they do not interpret that as a personal rejection, because they do not see everything from their own point of view. They will tolerate your lively children, or your grumpy mother-in-law or you boisterous fox terrier. They will be honest with you if you ask their opinion, but once they have given it, will not hold it against you if you don’t follow their advice.


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December 26, 2006

Bargaining Tips for Travellers

We who travel for extended periods on tight budgets generally pride ourselves on having a richer experience of the countries we visit than those who rush through on a package tour. Implicit in our rich experience is meeting and getting to know a wide range of people. Many of our interactions with people center around commercial transactions, and in many parts of the world this means bargaining. Some people consider bargaining to be in bad taste, especially in developing countries where the difference in income between the seller and the buyer can be enormous. I think this concern is misplaced. In most places there is no fixed price for any item; the bargaining process is necessary to determine the value of the item.

False beliefs about bargaining

We don't bargain prices in developed countries:

It’s quite common to ask a shop owner if he doesn't have something "a little cheaper".

There is a “true” price for any item that is somehow being hidden from us when we bargain:

We know, in developed countries, that different stores charge different amounts for the same item and that the same store may change the price of an item during seasonal sales or when the store is in need of ready cash.


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December 25, 2006

How to Avoid Conflict with your colleagues?

How to Avoid Conflict with your colleagues?• BE DIRECT, BUT KIND
Don’t use emotive language or fuzzy adjectives. Say what is bothering you in short and simple, but direct sentences. Speaking in long sentences mean that you don’t have a leg to stand on or hope that the person you are talking to doesn’t discover your hidden agenda.


Use a kind tone of voice and watch your body language. You want to communicate your problem without being hurtful, insulting or critical.


Give the person you are talking to time to state his/her understanding and feelings about the dispute. Listen what the other person is saying and check that you understand what is being said.
Say something like, ‘Have I understood correctly?’ Talk it out and don’t make the issue public.


Focus on areas of agreement. Make sure that you and your colleague approve of the final solution
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Formula You Can Use to Bargain

There is some kind of formula you can use to bargain with:

Such a formula usually sounds like this: “you should offer 30% of the asking price and settle for 50%.”

Bargaining Dos

  • Do research the value of the item you are buying.
  • Do take your time.
  • Do get the seller to make several offers before you counter.
  • Do deal with people you are comfortable with.
  • Do speak a little of the seller’s language.
  • Do maintain a friendly demeanour.
  • Do make sure both the buyer and seller understand the price.

Bargaining Don’ts

  • Don’t be rude.
  • Don’t show too much or too little interest.
  • Don’t use logic to argue merits of the item or try to justify your offer.
  • Don’t start too low.
  • Don’t be confrontational.
  • Don’t be embarrassed.
  • Don’t be too frugal.
Note: My Friend Dhanraj has a formula which is deferent than what I said Above. He offer 10% of the asking Price and settle for 30% huh!
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December 24, 2006

Barbecue Tricks Part - 2

Barbecue Tricks Part - 2The day before, go shopping for groceries. This will save a trip to the shops on the day of your party. You’ll also find that shopping ahead will mean you won’t forget any items, which can sometimes happen in a rushed trip.

On the day, prepare the meat in the morning, by marinating in a simple mix of soy sauce, barbecue sauce, and garlic. Also think about having some chicken kebabs and prawns too, which are great cooked on the barbecue or a tandoor tawa.

Butter the bread rolls, make a tasty dip or other appetisers. An easy idea is to take a packet of pitted prunes and wrap each individual prune in a small piece of bacon. Spear a toothpick through each one and put them on a flat tray, ready for cooking later in the afternoon.

Continue to prepare for your barbecue by setting out all the plates, cutlery, glasses, sauces and serviettes. Set out the table on your verandah if the weather permits, or else use a table inside. Don’t let wet weather spoil your plans. Just bring the party indoors and cook on the grill or fry pan. Now, having finished all these preparations early in the day, use the afternoon to run errands, relax with the family or do any other activity you choose. It’s great knowing that all the chores have been done and you can start to look forward to the night.

A couple of hours before your guests are due to arrive, go for a bath or shower. There’s nothing worse than being in the shower when your hear a knock at the door! Also take a little time to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere for your visitors. Light your favourite scented candle, choosing a subtle scent that is not too overpowering.

Pop on your favourite music too. Now’s also the time to cook those appetisers that you prepared earlier. Cook the prunes and bacon in a moderate oven for 10-15 minutes until the bacon is crispy. Then, when your friends arrive, let your hair down and have a great evening.

Read Part One
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