Easy Life Tips

September 23, 2006

what happens in World's bedrooms?

Survey unveils what happens in bedrooms

Austrians love their bedrooms, but seldom make love in them. Malaysians often have sex in their bedrooms, but don’t get much sleep there. Those are two conclusions of Gallup International poll released on Tuesday by Swedish furniture giant Ikea.

The company wanted to know how frequently people in Europe, Asia and North America use their bedrooms for different activities, including sleep and romance.

In Sweden and Iceland, 72 per cent of respondents said they use their bedrooms for romantic endeavours, while in China, the figure was 20 per cent. All it said about North Americans was that about 20 per cent like to have sex outside the bedroom.

Malaysians were the most sexually active with 43 per cent having sex daily in their bedrooms. It was also the place were people sleep the least; six hours and 36 minutes, about half an hour less than the survey’s average.

Austrians ranked low in sexual activity, but were the most satisfied with their bedrooms, ahead of Belgians and Swiss. Russians were the least satisfied.

The survey was done in January and included 14,000 customers in 27 countries.

Spaniards and North Americans were most likely to keep their bedrooms private, while almost half of Chinese allowed their friends access.

Other survey facts: Threequarters make their bed daily; people who frequently change their mattresses have more sex; and the most common fixture of a bedroom is the alarm clock.
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How To Beat bedroom boredom?

Talk: Share your deepest fantasies Kiss: Keep your eyes open when you kiss

Challenge: Play truth or dare

Tempt: Make love by candlelight

Tease: Try ice or whipped cream or a strip dance

Try: Take a bath or shower together

Express: Give your partner ideas about your fantasy by writing a sensual love story about both of you

Touch: Make it a point to touch every inch of your lover’s body

Feel: A sensual massage can help in igniting the fire

Explore: Buy a few love-making technique books and read them together. Make love somewhere other than your home

Appreciate: Compliment your lover on how they look and while making love

Experiment: Try different types of kisses and positions

Initiate: Men also like women who take charge. When your love comes home, take control and make love to them right there

Dream: Share a bottle of champagne while laying on blanket in your backyard looking at the stars

Foreplay: Experiment with different things like food for foreplay

Excite: Fix your hair, makeup, etc. Go to bed with only a pair of high heels on
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September 22, 2006


Men are full of surprises, and bedroom behavior is no exception. A Rouge guide

WHILE IT’S impossible to explain all male behaviour, here are five sex secrets that may help you understand — and get even closer to your guy.

He nurses the fear that he’ll let you down

Men are usually under tremendous pressure when it comes to sex. More and more women subscribe to pre-marital sex, and that means they are far more relaxed in the bedroom. Sexually satisfied role models, like Madonna and the Sex and the City sirens, encourage urban women to be open about their sexual desires and complaints. And suddenly, the pressure to perform is on, and he can’t help but feel like he has to please you.
Warning: If your man has a recurring problem of performance, he may start to blame you to protect his ego.
What you can do: Don’t take it personally or, worse, insult him. And never laugh! Just pretend that it is no great deal for you.

Men need validation to get their groove on

Sex has been associated with power for ages. To a man, having sex means that he can move a woman, that he’s virile, a provider and a lover. Basically, your guy wants to be a superhero, and he certainly wants you to see him in that light. When he satisfies you sexually, he feels like a superman. If you’re enjoying yourself, let him know that. He’ll love you for your compliments. Warning: No encouragement means no fun. Whether you are enjoying yourself or not, just be encouraging.
What you can do: A good rule of thumb: Don’t fake it but don’t fight it. Just look happy and satisfied and that would make your man feel great
Men don’t like waiting too long:
Women should never hold out to have sex simply because of the so-called rules of dating. He is more likely to commit if there is a sexual component to the relationship, and it is important for him to know that you find him sexually desirable.
Warning: If your guy is offended when you initiate sex, get rid of him. What you can do: We’re all sensual beings; we might as well be who we are. So don’t be afraid to make a move.

Men too are conscious about their bodies:

Let’s face it: Men may not worry about weight nearly as much as women do, but they do have their own image issues.
Warning: Most men are quite concerned about their general physical features. In other words, they are hoping for mood lighting in the bedroom just as much as women are.
What you can do: Help your man by telling him that you find him attractive and showing him affection.

Most men will not forgive a cheating girlfriend.

Men who have been betrayed, especially in the bedroom, are far less likely to forgive their partners than women in the same situation.
Warning: Men want loyalty at all cost. What you can do: Show your loyalty not only by remaining faithful in a committed relationship, but also by supporting your man in front of colleagues and friends and defending him when necessary. This allegiance will make your man more secure and will give him the motivation to let loose in the bedroom with you. Men want commitment just as much as women do; they just want it packaged differently.
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Antibiotics may pose risk of breast cancer

Chicago: A study suggests antibiotics might increase the risk of developing breast cancer, but researchers said the data should not stop women from taking the medication.

Women, who took the most antibiotics, who had more than 25 prescriptions or who took the drugs for at least 501 days, faced double the risk of developing breast cancer over an average of about 17 years, compared with women who didn’t use the drugs, the study showed.

The authors said more research is needed because it could have been the diseases women used antibiotics to treat — rather than the drugs themselves — that increased breast cancer risk. Also, since antibiotics are widely used to treat a variety of common infections caused by bacteria, including strep throat, some pneumonias and many gastrointestinal infections, it may be that women who never took the drugs were unusually healthy and therefore unusually resistant to cancer, the researchers said. “It’s very premature for people to stop taking antibiotics,” said lead author.
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September 21, 2006

How to Take Care of Your Hair?


Trichologist Dr Rekha Yadav of Revital, Mumbai, says: “Oil is only good for conditioning, similar to what cold cream does for your skin. It’s okay to use it about once a week, but it’s definitely not a necessity. The length and texture of hair is genetically predetermined, so using oil doesn’t result in long, dark or lustrous hair. It also doesn’t help in treating dandruff. In fact, oil tends to increase it as people with dandruff already tend to have an oily scalp. The best way to combat this condition is to keep your hair clean, eat healthy food and use anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week.”


Mumbai-based Dr Apoorva Shah of Rich Feel, who is India’s first certified trichologist according to the International Association of Trichologists, believes that fashion and stress are modern-day diseases. He says: “Frequent chemical treatment damages the hair, breaking the disulphide bond that keeps hair healthy. Chemical treatments are harmful to the hair, irrespective of who does them or where they are done. There’s a reason why the highest number of legal cases against the beauty industry are hair related. One cannot comment about the carcinogenic nature of these treatments, as until conclusive research is carried out, it’s purely a matter of conjecture.” Dr Yadav too, avers that even after the chemicals are neutralised, they are still harmful. Excessive use of henna is also detrimental as it tends to dry your hair.


Apparently, the 50-100 strands that we normally lose each
day often become tangled with the rest of the hair, and are
washed out only when we shampoo. Says Dr Aravinda of the Follicles Trichology Clinic, Hyderabad, “It’s actually advisable to shampoo as often as possible, especially for people whose lives involve a lot of commuting or fieldwork. If you don’t wash your hair at least twice a week, you’ll lose hair. Frequent shampooing is harmful only if you use a highly medicated shampoo with high chemical content.” Dr Yadav adds: “Daily washers should use a shampoo specially formulated for daily washing, according to their hair type. It should be mild with a polysorbate base and SLS-free (sodium laryl sulphatefree). And yes, the amount of froth a particular shampoo generates has absolutely no bearing on its quality.”


Suratbased trichologist Dr Samkit Shah, of the Rejoin Centre, has observed that this is one of the most common myths. “Especially people who are balding feel that if they cut off the remaining hair, it’ll grow back quicker. The truth is that there is absolutely no connection between hair growth and cutting. Hair will grow as per the cycle. The only case where this adage may hold true is if someone has split ends, which need to be cut,” he explains. Dr Apoorva Shah explains that our traditional mundan ceremony too, does not encourage good hair growth: “Thick hair growth after cutting or shaving off is an illusion that stems from the hair becoming coarse as a result of the blade passing through the hair follicle.”


Dr Yadav says it is normal to lose
50-100 strands daily. “These are just loose strands. Vigorously combing or brushing the hair 100 times a day like our
elders told us to is more likely to damage the hair rather than stimulate the follicles.” Hair loss occurs due to reasons like stress, hormonal imbalance at times like menopause, pregnancy and childbirth, over-use of styling aids, anaemia, disease, medication, change in nutritional habits or dieting, environmental pollution, etc. And according to Dr Aravinda, even educated people fall prey to the myth that hair cannot grow back. Especially among young males (in their early 20s), thinning of hair is a natural process. “Crash diets and stress could result in this condition, but more than 40-45 per cent of cases are curable with medication, monitoring and correction of diet and lifestyle,” she says. Dr Samkit Shah stresses that helmets and caps do not cause damage to the hair. “On the contrary, they help to protect the hair and scalp from the sun’s harmful ultra-violet rays,” he says.
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September 20, 2006

Alcohol causes 60 different diseases say scientists

ALCOHOL is the cause in about 60 different ailments, say scientists. Professor Robin Room of the Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs at Stockholm University and other researchers found that four per cent of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol, compared with 4.1 per cent to tobacco and 4.4 per cent to high blood pressure. Alcohol causes almost as many deaths and disabilities globally as smoking or high blood pressure and the potential effects on health are not taken into account when changes to licensing laws are considered. “It’s a very short-sighted approach,” Room said. The study looks at diseases, including cancers of the mouth, liver and breast, heart disease, stroke and cirrhosis, in which alcohol can play a role. It also highlights the role of alcohol in car accidents, drowning, falls and poisoning. Alcohol is also linked to a proportion of self-inflicted injuries and murders. Using data on alcohol cost and British alcohol-related mortality information, the researchers estimate that increasing the price of alcohol by 10 per cent would produce a seven percent drop in deaths from cirrhosis of the liver in men and an 8.3 per cent drop in deaths in women. Restricting the availability of alcohol by reducing the hours that pubs and shops can sell it would also affect the rates of alcohol-related harm, he said. IANS
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September 19, 2006

7 Stages of good health

Eating right is the best way to stay fit. We provide you with seven simple steps for better health
NOWADAYS, our busy schedules make it hard to find time to take care of ourselves. By eating healthy and exercising, we can ensure that we lead a quality life.

Start early — breakfast is a healthy habit to cultivate

Research proves that breakfasteaters consume fewer calories at lunch and dinner and are less likely to snack compulsively the rest of the day.What you have for breakfast matters. A study found that people who kicked off the day with eggs or pastries are more saturated fat throughout the day than people who had cereal and fruit for breakfast.
A breakfast that’s rich in fibre and carbohydrates but low in fat gets your metabolism moving faster. Breakfast skippers burn fewer calories. So go ahead and grab breakfast, even if it’s just a banana or a bag of dry cereal such as oat squares (oats lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels.) Mix berries into plain yogurt for a calcium and antioxidant boost. If you’re opting for an energy bar — check the label carefully and pick the one with the least calories and saturated fat.

Think portion control

Don’t feel you have to clean your plate when you’re eating out. Most meals are a lot larger than the average adult requires. So you can try and split dinner with a friend.There are so many healthy advantages to eating a balanced diet featuring plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. So make sure you eat enough of them. However, remember the following: A serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards or your palm. Be sure to read the food label. Many snacks are sold as single servings but actually provide two servings or more, like a bag of pretzels. Substitute one or two ‘first course’ dishes for the main; you’ll get a variety of tastes without huge portions. Water works.Drink lots of it at the table to slow eating and hunger pangs.

Plan ahead for snacks — so your munchies are healthy

Snacking isn’t a bad habit if you’re mindful of how many calories you’re eating. (Keep a food and exercise diary to stay on track and stay honest.) In fact,eating frequently instead of waiting until you’re starving might help you avoid overeating. It also keeps blood sugar levels normal and brain chemistry in balance. It’s advisable to have a corner in the fridge reserved for ‘good-foryou’ nibbles. Wash some carrots or celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, peppers, shelled peas, strawberries, and blueberries and place them in airtight see-through containers or plastic bags. Put some cutup veggies or sliced fruit on the table to help you through those starving moments just before dinner is ready. Snack only when you’re very hungry; it’s not the cure for a bad mood.

Small changes make a big difference— to your waistline

Choose low fat. Switching to one per cent skim milk from two per cent slashes the fat by at least half. Eat your fruit instead of drinking it. You’ll get more fibre and antioxidants and fewer calories — an orange has 90 calories and an eightounce glass of orange juice has 110 calories.Other changes that make a difference are: Knock the word ‘club’ off your sandwich, i.e. bacon, cheese and extra bread. Go for mustard to add flavour and save calories and fat. Hold the butter on your movie popcorn and you’ll save over 200 calories. A muffin is half the calories of a bagel and they’re low in fat, too. Switch to water from sugary sodas.

Fit fitness in throughout the day — every step you take counts

Lifestyle activities can provide health benefits similar to a traditional gymbased workout.Get moving by parking in the furthest space, climbing the stairs, brisk walking or stretching while you’re on the phone.The goal for good healthis to accumulate 10,000 steps a day, experts say.

Remember the basics of good nutrition

There are three ‘rules’ for healthy eating. They’re easy to remember and follow: Expand the variety of foods in your diet. Add more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to the foods you already eat.
Select more lower-fat food
Pick a day or two in the week and have a treat that is planned, such as a dessert or entree that you enjoy. The extra 100-200 calories you’ve eaten will be burned off with a two mile walk.Challenge yourself with a five km run or walk. Treat yourself to a massage.Try meditating, yoga or an oldfashioned nap. Take care of yourself as often as you can.
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About Data Entry Jobs You Can Do At Home

If you’ve got a few typing skills, and you’re interested in working from home, then you may have noticed the number of “Data Entry” jobs that seem to be available online these days. If you’ve looked into any of them, you’ll probably have been surprised by how much money you can apparently earn doing data entry. Wow! It’s far better than a day job. Imagine being able to make several hundred dollars a week, working just thirty minutes a day! Sounds good, right?

Actually, the reality is that the vast majority of so-called Data Entry jobs aren’t jobs at all. And if they’re not downright scams, then they’re very close to it! A lot of these so-called data entry programs aren’t jobs at all, they’re basically just programs teaching you how to promote affiliate sites using Adwords and other contextual advertising programs. Yep, that’s it! And you get to pay $97 to be told how to do it. Do they work as promised? That’s an interesting question. However, for the vast majority of people, the answer’s a resounding “No!”. Once upon a time such strategies may have worked, that’s simply no longer the case.

Other data entry programs you come across may be slightly different. For example, there are the instruction manuals you buy which basically teach you how to re-sell the same instruction manuals thereby generating a profit. Need I say more?

However, there are real data entry jobs available online. However, they’re just that – jobs. They won’t pay you extraordinary amounts of money for a few minutes’ work, but they will enable you to earn an income. You may not initially get enough work to replace a full time income, but if you’re just looking for some extra money, doing data entry work from home is an excellent way to go about it. You can often find data entry work at genuine work from home sites, or from freelancing sites (such as Elance.com, Guru.com or Rentacoder.com, where people who need work done put in requests for bids, and you have the opportunity to make a bid on projects you’re qualified for). Read Full Article

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September 18, 2006

Work At Home Tips

Dinner With Mark Joyner

About 3 Years ago in Los Angeles I was Fortunate enough to have dinner with Mark Joyner. I was at a Seminar and I was standing in the Hotel Lobby talking with Mike Litman and Mark Joyner came buy and said to Mike let's do dinner, he looked at me and said why don't you Join Us. Mark Joyner was talking about one of his online Programs and how he tested 1000's of Headlines. Mark's Message is you can never test enough. One Small change can have a dramatic impact on Click Thru Rate. Things like Color, Font Size, Wording, Placement all effect your Click thru Rate.

KeyWord Phrases As a Small Work-At-Home Business I realize you probably do not have the resources of a Mark Joyner to do 1000's of tests for 1 Headline, But that shouldn't stop you from Testing. There are lot's of things you can do to test. Let's say you are running a Google Ad Words campaign for your work at Home Business and you are using the Following Keyword phrases

  1. Work at Home
  2. Work at Home Mom
  3. Work at Home Dad
  4. Online Business
  5. Part Time Income
  6. Split Testing

You can do Split testing. You would Run 2 Different Ads for each Keyword Phrase. You would then see which Ad got better results for each Keyword Phrase. Now that you have found your "Best Ad" So Far for each key word phrase you can now proceed to see if you can find Better Ads for one or more of your Keyword Phrases. Just Continue to do Split Testing with each of your Ads. You can run a Completely Different Ad Against your Best Ad or you can Tweak your Best Ad Slightly.

Some Tweaks you might try are

  1. Changing one or two Words.
  2. Changing a Capitalization,
  3. Changing Fonts
  4. Changing Punctuation
Some Ad Word Guru's Maintain you should constantly be running Split Tests always searching for a 'Better Ad'.

Split Testing works with any type of Ad. You decide to run some Ezine Ads. You want to know which Ezine Pulls best so you run the Same Ad in Each Ezine and see which Ezine(s) received the Best Pull Rate. Now that you know which Ezines Pull Best you can Now Do Split Testing to see which Ezine Ad Pulls Best. Read Full Article


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What are the Risk of Smoking?

According to health care experts, if you smoke, you will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer. Now let’s just think for one short moment: wouldn’t it be very important for you to increase your chances of living from two to twelve times longer, gain many extra years of happy, healthy existence, and save thousands of dollars in increased medical costs?

10 times more likely to die from Cancers of the mouth, throat, and esophagus risks.

12 times more likely to die from lung cancer or some form of lung diseases.

10 times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx.

6 times more likely to die of heart disease.

And you will be twice as likely to die of a stroke.

Enough is enough!

Another overlooked benefit is the amount of money saved by not buying cigarettes in the first place. For example; If you smoke one pack of cigarettes a day at $2.00 per pack, you spend $730 per year. If your habit has continued for a period of 15 years you will have spent an incredible $10,950! If you smoke two packs for that same period of time, you will spend $21,900!

If you want to help yourself to be successful, you need to be able to answer the following two questions:

1) What can you do to reduce the desire to smoke every time it hits you ?

2) What will you do until the urge passes?

You will be able to resist the urge to smoke every time it hits you and you will be able to resist it until the urge passes or will you? What kind of satisfaction does smoking give you - physical, mental, or emotional? Ask yourself.

You need to decide if you want to quit smoking or if you want to die young?

Make your decision as fast as you can, there might not be much time left.

Visit http://www.the-internet-marketer.com/quitsmoking.html to find out how YOU CAN quit smoking, once and for all.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niall_Mehaffe

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September 17, 2006

About Work from Home Data Entry Jobs

What do you need to find work from home data entry jobs? Not as much as you think. You do not need to type hundreds of words per minute, nor are work from home data entry jobs as hard to find as you may believe. With the power of the internet, you will find that work from home data entry jobs are available if you know how to look for them.

Being a skilled typist may help you get some work from home data entry jobs, but they are not necessary for all work from home data entry jobs. Some employers may want you to type a certain number of words per minute, while others really just want you to enter certain data. To be good at data entry, you need to have more of an eye for detail and an ability to enter data quickly and correctly.

If you are unsure of your skills, you may want to take some continuing education classes. You can build on your computer skills so that you will be able to work with a range of programs like Excel, Word, and NotePad. If you are able to work within a variety of databases, then you will be much more marketable for work from home data entry jobs.

When you go to look for work from home data entry jobs, you may start off with the popular employment sites like Monster and HotJobs. However, most companies do not post work from home data entry jobs on just any website. You should begin by looking at work from home websites. There are ones that cater to moms and professionals. They will not only have job boards, but they will also offer great advice for learning how to run your business from home.

There are other websites that allow you to bid on jobs like Sologig.com and JobQuote.com. You will find work from home data entry jobs that are freelance, though many of them turn into long term employment. The downfall of these sites, though, is that the bidding often means you will get paid less than when you get work from home data entry jobs privately. Read Full Article

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