Easy Life Tips

September 30, 2006

Google Page Rank Update is Happening

Did you Notice, Google is updating Page Rank of Every Website? This is something webmaster in the world is anxiously waiting to see. Page rank of a website effects its Search Engine position and Popularity.

Have you checked your website?

www.iwebtool.com is a website where you can check the Page Rank of your Website. You can also check how many back Google has indexed for your website.

Google determine website how important it is by a Page Rank. 10 being the Higher Page Rank, Google Search Engine Bots visit high Page Ranked website very frequently.

Some of Favorites website's Page Rank Remain Same:

But Big climb for YouTube going from PR5 to PR8.

Google is updating each data center, so it may take another one or 2 weeks to complete the Update.
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How to Add Website Link on Start Menu?

Do you want to see your Favorite Website on Start Menu Link? It would be very handy and quick to access the website.

Well here is how you do it. Assuming that you are using Windows XP.

Open your Favorite Website and add to your Favorite List.
Internet Explorer: Favorite > Add to Favorite
Firefox Browser: Bookmark > Bookmark This Page
Close the window after you have added the website to your favorite List

Right Click on Start Button
Choose "Properties"

You will get a "Task Bar and Start Menu Properties" window
Click on Customize
Click on "Add" Button
Click on "Browse" Button
Locate To your "Favorite" Folder (This will be probably My Computer > C: > Document and Setting > Choose Your User Account > Favorite)

In Favorite Folder you will find the Website you saved.
Click on it and Press the Button "Next"
Give a Name which will appear in your Start Menu

That's it. Look at your Start Menu and you will find your favorite website there.


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Tips for Safe Banking

safe-bankingAlthough most of us never have any protection problems with are banking, fraudsters and identification thieves are finding much and much ways to steal our heavily earned money. If you are sloppy with your banking so you can have it really simple for folk to access your details and steal your money. If you seek to hold your banking secure and safe, so come these easy steps.

The simplest things can assist to defend your money, and one such measure is to be cautious when using cash machines. Make certain that you wear’t get your PIN amount written downward anywhere, and stop behind you to have certain that no one is trying to learn your amount whilst you character it in. Also, if you view anything wary on or around the cash car, wear’t consumption it.

We all obtain a pile of bank statements and map from our banks, many of which we merely wear’t demand to hold. If you are going to through away anything that is related to your fiscal affairs or bank accounts, so take certain you incline of it decently. A popular prank of identification thieves is to seem through your rubbish to receive your bank details. Make certain that all significant documents are kept secure, and that any discarded documents are exhaustively chopped or torn upward then as to have them illegible.

Another technique that is used by fraudsters is to seek and have you to offer them your bank details by sending you mail or email pretending to be your bank. If you go emails or messages asking you to offer upward your bank details, so disregard them totally. Your bank will never request you for your details via stamp or email, as these methods are not safe. If you are uncertain about whether an email or content is real, ask your bank to receive ratification.

When you are banking online, make certain that you simply access your story in a safe spot, and seek to avert looking at story details on national servers. Also, you should have certain that you have sufficient virus security and firewall software on your party then as to halt anyone accessing your bank details. Furthermore, seek and avert making purchases on network sites that you do not believe or if you are uncertain about their protection features. Try and avert using debit cards entirely online for purchases, as their protection features are often weaker than recognition cards.

The key to secure and safe banking is to cut the danger of your story details being exposed. The better manner to make this is to get totally paperless, as some banks now provide online simply accounts. If you have sufficient computer security so paperless banking can truly cut the risks of your bank details being used by somebody else.


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September 29, 2006

Download Free English Dictionary

Are you Looking for an Offline Free English Dictionary? Mobysaurus Thesaurus is for you. Mobysaurus Thesaurus is a comprehensive - 30,000+ roots and 2.5 million+ synonyms - feature-rich, off-line thesaurus with a simple interface, fast wildcard search, cross-referencing, WordWeb support, etc. Freeware for Windows 98+.

Match single/multiple characters as well as filter by single/groups of vowels and consonants.

Fastest and simplest way for serious word hunters like you to go deep for the ultimate synonym of choice, from the word you are working with.

Automatically look up highlighted words in most programs. Quickly available via dropdown or the 'History and Favorites' tab.

Easily launch and look up words in WordWeb Free/Pro within the program.

Download it now. Download Size 5.MB

Note: To Run This application, You First Must install Lattest Version of .Net Framework. Click Here to obtain a appropriate Version of the .Net Framework

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Have You Visited White House Website?

When you Type 'George Bush' in Google Search Box, it is the White House Website that appear No.1 in Search result!

Perhaps one of the Most Frequently Updated Government Website in the world. The Google Page Rank for White House website is 10/10. So you know how important is this website in the World Wide Web.

In this website you can catch the latest issue positions, news, Cabinet, appointments, offices and major speeches. Also includes biography, video tour and photo essays.

Alexa Rank for this website as of 29th Sep, 200 is 4,077. According to alexa, there are 34, 406 website that links to White House Website

Rank 10 in Technorati.com. According to Pingoat.com the blog value of White House website is $473,69.93

Something Really Funny About this Website:
Assuming no one here has heard, if you type "miserable failure" into Google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky," George Bush.'s biography page pops up. ha ha ha...

Internet Archive has a Archive file of White House Website since early 1996 December. If you want to know about the Old Good Days of White House Website Click Here. Also you can see How White House Website looked like in 2006, in this post.

Through their Website, you can Ask Question to White House.

So Don't forget to catch what's up with White House!
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September 28, 2006

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten?

Preparing to send your kid to kindergarten is frequently harder on you than on your kid because of the passionate affects brought on by this ritual of enactment. However, your kid will fare best on his best day of kindergarten and all school year long if you assist to ready him.

The academics in kindergarten may surprise you. Children entering into kindergarten should already recognize their alphabet and be capable to describe all 26 letters. They should too be demonstrating some fundamental phonemic consciousness, meaning they should recognize the sounds that some letters take. They should too be capable to describe numbers through ten and be capable to calculate to at least twenty. Their writing skills should be effective enough that they can publish their best and last figure legibly, along with most letters of the alphabet.

At house, you can assist ready your kid by reading to her for at least 15 minutes every day. Reading, coupled with fundamental amount skills like counting and adding, will assist your kid get a stronger basis to construct on during her kindergarten year. Let your kid tally with objects she can manage, such as cheerios or M&Ms. Work with your kid to misrepresent the objects into addition examples. These manipulations permit children to construct a visual conception of addition, so they can view how 2 + 3 equals 5.

Upon your kid's entry into kindergarten, you will almost probably discover that he is as willing as he'll always be, anxious to hear and enjoying his new-found exemption. If you look you've taken steps to ready him, be at simplicity that he will discover his own manner in his own moment. If you have concerns after your kid has started kindergarten, take your concerns to the instructor's care and job jointly to trade with them accordingly.
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Web Server - What is it?

web-serverWeb servers are physical computers on the internet that host WebPages or website and serving webpages to web viewers upon request. This service is called as web hosting.

Each web server has a unique web address so that other computers connected to the internet know where to find it on the world wide network. The IP (Internet Protocol) address looks something like this: This address direct to a more easy and friendly address, such as google.com

Every Web hosts rent out computer space on their web servers to people to set up their own created websites. The web server designates a unique website address to each website it hosts.
When you access to the internet, your personal computer also receives a unique IP address assigned by your ISP (internet service provider). This address identifies your computer's location on the network. When you click on a link to visit a website, like www.google.com, your browser sends out a request to Google’s IP address. This request includes return information and identifies the information is transferred across a network. When your request reaches its destination, the web server that hosts Google’s website sends the page in HTML code to your IP address. This return communiqué travels back through the network. Your computer receives the code and your browser interprets the HTML code then displays the page for you in graphic form.

If the server is more powerful, it can serve up website pages faster. Slower, smaller servers may result in frustrating loading time for web viewers. Huge traffic on a subsequent time can also slow servers that are not powerful enough to handle high volumes of data Transfer. Web servers stay connected to the Internet 24/7, 365 days a year. Web Servers may experience occasional downtime due to maintenance and technical problems. Web servers with consistent records of an uptime of 99.5% or better are considered reliable.
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Free CSS Generator: Style Your Website with Balthisar Cascade:

Balthisar Cascade is simply the best CSS level 2 editor available for the Windows platform! Cascade allows the HTML/XML author to create cascading stylesheets for use with hypertext documents. Cascade presents the CSS level 2 attributes and their values to you in a logical arrangement. You can choose which attributes to modify, and specify their values. Cascade project documents are then exported for use with your HTML or XML files on the internet, company intranets, or local computer documents.

THE PREFERENCES WINDOWS (above) provides the user a centralized location to set preferences for the customization of the Cascade application. It is divided into two pages: one for application preferences, and one for document information.

THE COLOR PICKER WINDOW (above) is divided into two major portions, which give the user the choice to specify dynamic system colors, or static HTML colors. The adjectives "dynamic" and "static" in this sense indicates function, not taste! A dynamic color is one that can be different on each computer, for example, the color of window title bars. A static color is a discrete color that is supposed to look exactly the same on any computer using any operating system. The HTML color portion of the picker gives the user the ability to mix colors using standard RGB sliders, -or- to choose a named HTML color, -or- to pick a custom color the user has previously set.

Download it Now
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September 27, 2006

7 Healthy Tips to Help You Deal with Menopause

Most of the time, for being strained out of menopause, women don’t pay attention to their health.
That is totally wrong. Living healthily can even help a lot in facing menopause.
To do so, you can try these healthy yet easy tips below:
1. Breakfast Power
Chances are you have been sleeping during the night and it has been at least 8 hours or more since you last ate. A healthy, hearty breakfast gives you the fuel you need during the day, or at least until lunch. Easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night's pizza!
2. Get Physical!
It's not as difficult as you might imagine to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a 10-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator.
3. Power Snack
If you eat right during the day, it’s OK to eat cookies, chips and candy, as long as you do it only occasionally, and in moderation. Snacks are a great way to refuel. Healthy snacks include a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal.
4. Work Your Heart
Vigorous work-outs - when you're breathing hard and sweating - help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging, or dancing. Follow up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool down by stretching and deep breathing.
5. Too Much of One Thing is Not Always Good
You can eat foods such as hamburgers, french fries and ice cream and still eat healthy. The key is how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices from the Food Guide Pyramid and checking out the Nutrition Facts Panel on food labels will help you get all these nutrients.
6. Activate Your Family and Friends!
Research has shown that you are more apt to remain on an exercise regimen if you exercise with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each week.
7. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
Fruits and vegetables give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. Whole-wheat bread is healthier than white, as is spaghetti and oatmeal. Bananas, strawberries and melons are great tasting fruits. Don’t forget to add lettuce to your sandwich for a daily serving of vegetables!
About the author: Riana Lance has a deep concern on health. Get her inspirational e-mail guides on How to Cure Insomnia at http://healthifica.com/guides/menopause-stress/ Also, grasp her other motivational health tips at http://www.healthifica.com/, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Riana_D_Lance


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September 26, 2006

Spyware Terminator : Free Spyware Scanner and Removal Tool

Spyware Terminator: a full featured adware and spyware scanner with real-time protection that can remove and/or quarantine adware, spyware, keyloggers, homepage hijackers, trojans, and many other malware threats. Freeware for Windows 2000/ XP.
  • Fast Scan - Checks all important parts of your system (Processes, Libraries, Services, BHO, Toolbars, WinSock2, Startups registry, Uninstallers, Start menu, Desktop, Favorites, Cookies,...)
  • Full Scan - Thoroughly checks Memory, Registry, Drive scans, NTFS ADS (optional), and scans for viruses using the ClamAV.
  • Customized Scan - Allows the user to specify which parts of the system are supposed to be checked.
  • Effective Removal - Removes threats effectively using the Spyware Terminator driver.
  • On Boot Remover - Removes blocked files when the operating system boots.
  • Quarantine - Allows the user to move potentially harmful items to special storage, and restore the original state when the user finds out that the item is safe.
Real-time Protection constantly guards your system and ensures that spyware programs can be intercepted and disabled before they are installed, helping to prevent potential security breaches before a spyware program can run.
  • Computer Restoration - The user can restore the computer state to an earlier time, or to the default system settings
  • File Analysis - The File Analysis utility allows users to send an unknown file (possible spyware) to our Crawler Spyware Central for deep analysis. Our experts analyze received files and then add them to our software database. The next time the user downloads updates that include analyzed file data, they will be able to remove the suspect file.
  • Locked File Removal - Spyware Terminator allows you to also remove files that cannot be removed using standard methods because they are locked by an application.
Download Spyware Terminator
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Become a Beta Tester for Google and Earn Money

Google has now decided that they're willing to pay people for taking the time to use Google products and to report back on their "user experience." According to the Google User Experience Research FAQ page, Google will be paying $75 an hour to users willing to spend time with a Google researcher answering questions about various Google products by Person or on Phone.

There appear to be four different ways that users can be called on to provide feedback:

* Usability study at a Google office: Typically, you will use a Google product or prototype, and give feedback on it. You could either meet 1-on-1 with a Google researcher, or work as part of a group. Most studies are done at our HQ in Mountain View, California, but we have offices all over the world, so please feel free to sign up for this type of study even if you don't live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
* Remote usability study: A Google researcher will call you while you sit at your computer, and ask you to try out a Google product or prototype via your internet connection, and give feedback on it. You can be anywhere in the world, but need to have a high-speed internet connection.
* Field study: Google researchers will come to visit you, and interview you about how you use computers or the Web. We won't just show up at your door - we will always check with you, and make an appointment. Again, most of our researchers are based at our HQ in Mountain View, California, but we have offices all over the world, so please feel free to sign up for this type of study even if you don't live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
* Online survey: you answer questions on the web or in an email, from your own computer.

Doesn't seem to be a specific type of person that they're looking for either, so no need to avoid applying simply because you don't feel "techie" enough. In fact, Google invites people from all types of backgrounds to sign up...
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Your Main Bedroom - How Should It look like?

The master bedroom is a personal sanctuary, a very private space for you to carry out relaxed activities, to feel free and informal. 'Wabi Sabi' tenets or the wellresearched modern concept of designing the décor and the furniture mean simplistic, straight line and functional concepts to make the occupant feel elated and at peace. Interior designers and architects have a growing responsibility to create worthily livable space that is psychologically encouraging and satiating. Bedroom demands more understanding of occupant's sensitivities and moods.
For younger and romantic ones a bedroom could be a Passion Boudoir - evocative, enticing bedroom. Flattering colours contribute to personal beauty and
are romantically appealing. Choose seductive colours like rouge red, lipstick reds, creamy peaches, and subtle pinks. Be daring and use bold colours on the walls. Those who desire pure romanticism could select brighter restrains - like sunset pink or orange, morning hues of purple and clear sky blue, tender leaf green and pinkish gray etc.
Luscious fabrics encourage romance. Use silky, velvet, and chenille textures in combination with nubby textures. Use fabrics that remind you of a shared memory. Exotic oriental patterns, paisley prints in brighter but not darker colours, tropical floral etc conjure images of what one has liked as romantic aesthetic. Plain draperies in romantic colours and locating mirrors in unusual places reflecting subtle light would also enhance the ambiance. An intimate bistro table, set with two chairs, invites private conversations. Dressing tables furnished with feminine accessories add mystery and romance to a room. Straightline furniture adorned with linens, and upholstery coordinated with draperies will give the needed contrast to add interest and mobility to the décor along with adding space, while offering comfort and scope for future evolvement.
Bedroom as a reading and hobby room is a choice that many interesting couples prefer. You might consider designing your main bedroom with lounging and reading books in mind.
Eye experts claim that readers need at least two reading lamps of at least 175-200 watts, but that type of lighting would seem quite harsh in a bedroom setting. Instead of individual harsh lights, consider equalizing the overall lighting scheme by adding other less obtrusive lights across the room. Good colours for reading rooms include ivory, amber, sage green, and slate blue. These soft colors reflect light without glare and also support peaceful feelings.
Squishy pillows, luxurious Afghans or throws, landscape paintings with distant horizons, and mirrors for private reflections add feelings of indulgence. A great lounge chair with a floor lamp and nearby tea table completes the additions to a perfect bed and reading room. Let the furniture be functional and minimalist, harmonious or discordant in concept.
Perhaps you may like to turn the main bedroom into a personal retreat, where you can escape and unwind from a busy day. Surround yourself with photos of friends, family, and places you love, as well as your favorite artwork and meaningful mementos. Good colours for private sanctuaries include dark forest greens, deep chocolates, mochas, navy or cobalt blues, and eggplant. Darker colours create a womb-like feeling and aid deep sleep. A writing desk, accompanied by a comfortable chair and a small refrigerator will enable you to enjoy your time without interruption. An entertainment console will offer the opportunity to watch your favourite movies, and listen to your favorite classics. Sofas, rocking chairs, or chaise lounge help create the feeling of an oasis.
To keep the bedrooms clutter free and uncrowded in any décor system what one need are the furniture concepts that are not bulky, overstuffed and functional. If one has space available, he may opt for a walk in the wardrobe, or make custom built wardrobe in the niche. Free-standing wardrobes tend to attract and produce clutters in the room. A chest of drawers is a better solution to arrange your clothing, specially the intimate ones. The countertops, being low in heights, can be used to display interesting objects and would discourage unnecessary storage. Leave your ceilings plain, avoid false ceilings as they reduce the comforting large space. White always remains the ideal colour for ceiling.
With a little imagination, you can turn your bedroom into a room of your interest - a place where you would love to sleep in!
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September 25, 2006

Hosting a Dinner party? Read This...

Though dinner parties can be loads of humor, many individuals discover planning them rather alarming. However, the idea of hosting a dinner company doesn’t have to have you fracture into a cool perspiration. By planning easily and taking an easy access to your preparations, you can hit away a productive dinner company and love yourself as easily.

Preparing to host your dinner should start with determining the cause for your dinner company and chooing an appointment. You may select to center your dinner company on a particular vacation or function. However, you needn’t get a particular function in psyche, as many dinner parties are given just for the humor of it. It is better to choose an appointment for your dinner company that will permit you to ready in a relaxed style. It is frequently better to avert conventional workdays, as they lean to be hectic for both the host and the guests.

Decide on a manner or topic for your dinner company. For instance, you may determine to get a casual dinner, an exterior barbecue, or a graceful matter. Also, determine on the amount of folk you seek to include. Some entertainment experts urge starting with no much than six to eight guests if you are hosting your best dinner company or are a beginner cook.

Once you’ve decided on a manner, it is moment to receive your guests. Depending on the degree of formality you’ve chosen, you may select to receive your guests by telephone, e-mail, or routine mail. For a casual gathering, it is smart to offer at least a few days’ to a week’s discover. For ceremonial dinner parties, it is a better thought to mail invitations about a month in rise of your chosen appointment.

After you’ve finished with the invitations, you should begin planning your fare. Consider appetizer, meal, drink, and sweet options. Keep in psyche that some of your guests may be hypersensitive to sure nutrient items. If you are capable to hear about this in rise, you may need to bar that specific nutrient. If not, you may make easily to ready a few additional dishes without foods that often induce allergies, such as nuts. Likewise, unless you are sure that all of your guests are meat eaters, you may make easily to ready some vegetarian dishes as easily.

Take some moment and regard the decor for your dinner company, as easily as the seating agreement. Seat your guests to maximise solace and permit for simple socializing. Create the character of climate you seek with accessories, board settings, lighting, and music. If you are planning a big dinner company, you may regard hiring assistance or renting some of the supplies you need.
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Tips on Writing a Thank You Note

Everyone knows it's appropriate to tell thank you after receiving a talent or better feat. However, many wear't understand there's an appropriate manner to thank folk. When it comes to expressing gratitude and letting somebody know you truly recognize the thoughtfulness, it's all in the saving. Below are some tips for writing a thank you mention.

Don't hesitate. One should never look much than 30 days to ship a thank you mention, unless you are on a honeymoon. In that case, one should ship the poster within two months. Never place away writing a thank you mention. Otherwise, it tells the talent donor you truly wear't maintenance for her unselfishness.

Make it personal. Rather than ratify your figure to a funny poster purchased at the talent store, consumption stationery or simple tone cards instead. Never character a thank you mention. Write it in ink. The recipient will recognize your taking the moment to convey yourself.

Get to the level decent off. Thank you cards are to be brief and tasty.

Thank you always then more for the charming Chia Pet. I'm certain it will make a contact of whimsy to whichever room I select to take for its exhibit.

As you can view, the author of the tone thanked the talent donor instantly and let her recognize how the talent would be used, all in the best paragraph. One too cannot say by this paragraph whether the recipient loved or hated the talent. This is key. No issue how you felt about the talent, ever be polite and admit the idea.
Give thanks for hospitality. If you've been a client in somebody's house, particularly for a weekend or longer, a thank you tone is in decree as easily. It should come the same guidelines as if one received a talent; however, the opening paragraph should be about the visit.


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How to get the Most out of my Computer?

Many consumers buy computers to do simply a smattering of tasks. Some may require a language mainframe, while others seek a link to the internet or a sophisticated gaming structure. The fact that a gaming computer can too manage family budgeting software or a language processing computer can too blow CDs frequently comes as a surprise to original owners. Learning how to take a computer for maximum welfare can go a few months of trial-and-error. Unfortunately, this period of experiment is sometimes followed by another period of frustration and hand-wringing.

Fortunately, there are several ways to hear how to have the almost out of your computer. The best measure would be to excavate away the proprietor's manual and new literature included with the new corner. These guides offer fast overviews of most consumer-friendly features of the computer. There may be sections on troubleshooting as easily, in lawsuit the trial-and-error method ends in disaster. Owner's manuals seldom get into detail about the private programs included in your specific structure, but you might find some original features along the manner.

For those who hear better through hands-on direction, many colleges and continuing training programs provide particular classes on computer utilization. These classes drift from one day seminars on an unmarried matter to semester-long education sessions for professional computer programmers and users. If attending a real course is not a workable alternative, many of these courses can be establish on interactive CD-ROMs. Instructors provide advice in a video format while students take their real computers in genuine moment.

Another manner to hear how to have the almost out of your computer is to make with a local computer expert. This expert may be a 50 year older computer repairman or a 16 year older cousin, but both may get some invaluable insights to provide. It's not unique for beginners to dread making lasting errors, then having a skilled computer user nearby can be a soothing force.
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September 24, 2006

How to Make your master bedroom a comfortable space?

Aplace to relax, a private retreat, a haven… in short, the master bedroom. This room ideally should have an ambience that will soothe, refresh and at same time, lull you to a good night's sleep. The highlight of the bedroom ought to be the bed. The rest of the décor must accentuate this feature. Be it the furnishings or the accessories, they must synergize the highlight. "Irrespective of the size, your master bedroom should have some basics in place and then 'a little more' to strike the right note," says interior designer Malini Gulati.

The Basics… Bed

The first decision to make is the size of the bed. A small/medium sized room will look less cluttered with a queensize bed. A king-size bed is apt for a large bedroom. Choose the design of the bed that you are comfortable with. Decide on a theme like traditional, formal or modern and shop accordingly. Wooden beds favour traditional or formal look. Stylish beds of wrought iron, brass or chrome make for a modern look. There are options like a four-poster bed, a platform bed (with or without headboards), a spindle bed (with ornate railings in the headboard and footboard) or a divan bed. If these sound mundane, indulge in a lascivious water bed.


Nightstands are smart and functional. Look out for nightstands that reinforce the style of the bed. It should be able to hold basics like a table lamp, clock and a few books. A nightstand with drawers can store some essentials that you might need for the night.


A dresser usually comes with a storage option of four to six drawers. A chest of drawers can double up as a dresser with a mirror on it. Alternately, you can have a dressing table with a fulllength mirror. If space is a constraint, you can mount an elegantly framed mirror, with built-in drawers, on the wall. The shutter of a cupboard can also be mounted with a mirror with shelves inside for storage.

Storage units

One way to create an uncluttered look is to have plenty of storage options. If your master bedroom is large, place a wooden chest or a storage bench with upholstered seats at the end of the bed. They are functional and charming. Armoires look elegant and can be used to store clothes. Some have pull-out trays that can hold a computer or a television.
Built-in cupboards with lofts provide plenty of storage. The look of the cupboards can transform the room. Full length mirrors mounted on cupboard doors give an illusion of space. Or, the design on the headboard can be replicated on the shutters to unify the theme. Wooden shutters should match the colour of the bed for uniformity. Cupboards with frosted glass shutters give a colourful look to the room.


Carpets, curtains (or blinds), bed linen, and cushions must complement each other and brighten the room. Accessories like vases, family pictures, ornaments, wall hangings and paintings must reflect your personality. Just remember - less is more…

Colour and Lighting

Usually, light colours are used in the bedroom. For interest, you could have a textured finish or a contrasting colour on one of the walls. Natural light works wonders in here. Have a picture window or French doors for an impressive effect. Mood lighting, sconces on either side of the mirror, uplighters with dimmers, and table lamps are some lighting options for the master bedroom.

And More…

A comfortable seating area is essential. If the bedroom is small, a corner is enough for a reading nook. A rocking chair or a pair of armchairs will be perfect. A large bedroom or an alcove can have a grander arrangement.
Make sure to have a phone line and suitable power sockets for a phone, television, music system and to plug in your laptop. Wall mounting is a good option for the television, home theatre or the music system. Remember to conceal the wiring.
An alcove or a small portion of a large bedroom can be converted into a walk-in closet.
A writing table, an armchair and a bookcase arranged in one corner of the room can become a study or a place to work.
The master bedroom is your sanctuary; make it a peaceful one.
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Killer SMOKE

Every cigarette takes 11 minutes off your life.

Smokers in their 40s have as many facial wrinkles as non-smokers in their 60s.

In Britain, one person is diagnosed with lung cancer the cancer most commonly associated with smoking every 15 minutes.

114,000 people die every year from smoking. That’s 312 every day.

Smoking gives you yellow teeth, bad breath and hollow cheeks from repeated sucking on cigarettes.

Around half of all regular smokers will eventually be killed by their habit.
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