Easy Life Tips

February 24, 2007

How to Become An AdWords Advertiser

How to Become An AdWords AdvertiserGoogle’s AdWords provides a similar service to Yahoo’s Sponsored Search. The difference is that in theory your ads will automatically be displayed on websites as well as on search results.

In practice, when you’re using arbitrage that’s not likely to happen very often. To get on to the Google Network, your bids are going to have to be high enough to compete. But you’re going to be bidding the minimum possible per click to keep your profits high. While it’s possible that you could be receiving clicks from people searching for a different keyword to the one you’ve chosen to advertise on, it shouldn’t happen often enough to significantly affect your arbitrage profits.

In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether you choose to buy your users through Overture or through Google. What is important is that you always know exactly how much you’re paying for each user you receive, and that you know how much you want to get paid when a user clicks away.

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February 23, 2007


ABOUT ADSENSE ARBITRAGEWhen you come right down to it, there are really just two types of users: users you get for free and users you have to pay for.

Free users reach your site by clicking on a link. You might have to “pay” for them by placing a reciprocal link on your site, they could find you through a search engine or you might get them completely free from other publishers who want to link back to interesting content on your site. Whenever any free user clicks on one of your ads, you’re making a profit.

That’s not true of the users you buy. When you’re paying for traffic, you need to make sure that you’re receiving more in ad revenues than you’re paying for your marketing efforts.

The principle is simple. The practice requires a little effort — although not too much. In this chapter, I’m going to talk you through AdSense Arbitrage, the art of buying traffic cheap and selling it high.

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February 22, 2007

Putting Links In Articles

http://everydayspace.blogspot.com/The principle behind trying to get links on other websites is that you want the users of that site to come to your site to read your content and see your ads.

There is an alternative strategy though: you can send your content directly to potential users.
The easiest way to do this is to add a “Send a friend” link to each article you put on your site. When the user clicks on the link, they’re given a small form to complete that asks for their name and the email address of the person they want to send the article to.

Don’t be stingy here. Make sure there’s plenty of room to add multiple addresses. You want to make it as easy as possible for your users to share your content.

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February 21, 2007

Search Engine Optimization For AdSense Sites

http://everydayspace.blogspot.com/Submitting your site and its individual Web pages to the search engines and directories for free should get you listed. But you want to be listed right at the top of the results. When someone enters a term in a search engine, they rarely look beyond the first page.

In fact, they rarely look beyond the first few listings.

A high ranking on a search engine is going to depend on a combination of keywords and links — especially your links. I’ll talk in more detail about links below, but I’m not going to describe in detail all the different things you can do to optimize your site to get a high listing. That’s a whole other profession and there are experts out there who do nothing but SEO for clients all day long. For the most part, if you’ve got good content and build up a large network of links, you should find that your position in the search results rises higher and higher

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February 20, 2007

Viral Marketing Tips

Viral Marketing TipsViral marketing is really just another way of saying "word of mouth." On the Internet though, word of mouth spreads so fast through email and websites that with the right piece of content, you can pick up thousands of new users faster than you could ever imagine.

The key to successful viral marketing is to send out something that people want to share. That can be anything from a joke, a funny story or a link to a home-made video. Millions of people tune in to watch television bloopers. If you’ve got some funny clip, you can upload it to a website, send out an email and watch it spread around the Web.

As long as a link to your AdSense site is either in the email or on the site, you can turn some of that traffic into revenue.

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February 19, 2007

Commercial Link Exchanges

Commercial Link ExchangesAll the linking strategies that I’ve been discussing so far are free. It won’t cost you a dime to get links on friends’ sites and forums but it might cost you a little time.

Commercial link exchanges cut that timeline for a fee. LinkMetro.com, for example, looks like a directory but instead of choosing sites to browse, you’re looking for places to put your links. Because you can target those sites carefully, you can safeguard your PageRank and make sure that you’re getting interested users.

Adzaar.com, AdBrite.com and LinkAdage.com all offer similar services and are worth a look if you’re thinking of building a link network fast and are prepared to pay for it.

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February 18, 2007

How to Put Links In Newsletters

How to Put Links In Newsletters Most articles are placed on websites, like the bulk of the links you use to pull in users. But sites aren’t the only places that you can post links. One of the most effectual — and neglected — places to link to your site is in newsletters.

The first option is to send articles to other publishers’ newsletters. As a publisher, you’ll likely find yourself subscribing to all sorts of email newsletters related to another aspects of your business. There’s no harm in writing to the owners of one of those newsletters and request if they want an article. Again, you can offer a link on your own website in return.
And you should also be sending your own newsletter. That won’t take you new users but it will make sure that your old users come back.

That’s very important. If a user has already clicked on a link to your site and been impressed enough to subscribe to your newsletter, then he’s pretty interested in your content. You’ve already worked or paid for that user, so you want to make sure you keep him. Sending a regular newsletter keeps users like these coming back.

In fact, you don’t even have to create any more content than usual if you don’t want to. You can merely take the opening paragraphs of each of the posts you’ve launched over the last couple of weeks, paste them into a template and add “Read more” at the end, with a link to each of the articles.

That’s very easy and it will help to make sure that your site go along to build a good base of users. It will also put you in prime position when Google starts letting you put AdSense in newsletters. They’re already doing this for some major publishers and it’s likely that that’s going to be rolled out properly at some point in the future.

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