Easy Life Tips

March 03, 2007

Kerala Tour on Houseboat - Video

Here is a Wonderful Video of Houseboat Tour in Kerala. Must Watch!


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March 02, 2007

Dog Picture and the Shadow?

Dog Picture and the Shadow?Look at this Picture Carefully. Here is a Dog with a Ball in his mouth. Its Very Sunny Day, Look at his Shadow, and can you guess the shadow besidehim? What it is? Please post your comments


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March 01, 2007

Cat Pictures - Funny and Cute

Cat Pictures - Funny and Cute
hmmmm, I was walking down on the Road, Suddenly I saw a Cat breast feeding her kitties. So cute... I did not wait a second to capture that wonderful moment in my camera.. so here it is.


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February 28, 2007

Goa Beach Picture - Anjuna Beach

Here is a Picture of a Goa Beach, I have taken recently - Anjuna Beach, Goa


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Home Theater Component Tips

Home Theater Component TipsA receiver is an important component. You will probably have a DVD player or recorder of some sort as part of your system; you may have a Tivo and cable box or satellite and will probably have speakers of some sort for your system. The receiver is the box you plug them all into-it receives all of this inputs and correlates it so to speak. This is the ultimate traffic director when it comes to your home theater and I suggest you spend a good portion of your home theater budget making sure that this is a good quality part.

Speakers are where your sound will flow. One of the best things to me about a home theater is the ability to experience surround sound very similar to what I experience in theaters while having the ability to put my feet up or snuggle under blankets (which simply can't be achieved in a theater). Speakers come in all shapes and sizes and are also quite personal for some consumers while give and take for others. You can purchase these are part of a kit in order to make the selection process easier.

Finally, you have your DVD player or recorder. If high definition is important to you, you now have that option. If your television isn't HD ready or capable, I'd pass and go for an older (less expensive) model of DVD player until something more up-to-date is called for. These items are a great start for any home theater and you can build, expand, and upgrade over time for an even better system. Enjoy!

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February 27, 2007

Basic Components for a Home Theater

Basic Components for a Home TheaterMany people never bother looking into purchasing a home theater through sheer fear of the decisions that may need to be made in the process. Many among these aren't even sure of exactly which components are included in a home theater or which ones are needed in order to create an effective and entertaining home theater. For this reason, many people simply do not bother going through the process of looking at their options when it comes to these wonderful systems on the market today much less ever bother actually purchasing one.

If you are one of the many who has experienced some degree of confusion when it comes to the individual parts and pieces that are included in a home theater system and what they do, hopefully you will gain a better understanding once you've finished reading. The first thing to understand is that there are varying degrees when it comes to home theaters. The following components are the makings of a very basic home theater that will provide excellent functionality. They are not however inclusive of every possible piece or part that could make up a home theater system.

Off to the basics, the first thing you'll need when creating a home theater for your family to enjoy is a television. It might seem a little too obvious to some but I have yet to find a box kit that includes a television-mainly because the choice of screen is for many the most personal aspect of selecting a home theater. There are essentially three choices in today's television market: front projector, rear projector, and plasma. There are variations within each of these and the prices fall anywhere from modest to quite costly. This is the component that most home theater owners spend the most time contemplating and it affects the types of components that will be most effective later on in terms of things such as high definition and other choices you can make.


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February 26, 2007

Free Traffic From Freebies

http://everydayspace.blogspot.com/Sponsorship is a very traditional way of promoting a business. Bricks-and-mortar companies do it all the time. As long as you can see that the extra revenue the users your sponsorship efforts bring are higher than the cost of bringing them, it’s a real no-brainer — and a lot of fun too.

But there are lots of other conventional ways of promoting your business. Handing out freebies for example, is a great way of doing it.

Baseball caps, t-shirts, carrier bags, coffee mugs and key-fobs might seem low-tech but they work. The people who have them keep them. And people who don’t have them see them.

You can distribute freebies like these at any events that you attend or you can send them out as prizes to competitions on your website. It gets you visibility and it gets you extra users.

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February 25, 2007

The Google Keyword Tool

The Google Keyword ToolSo we’ve seen that finding a keyword with a wide price spread is going to be crucial. Overture’s Bids Tool is one way to do that. Google’s Keyword Tool is another.

But what this tool gives you isn’t just the current top bids for particular keywords. It also gives you the top bids for other similar keywords.

Instead of trying to find a keyword with a price spread wide enough to cover the lost users, you could bring users in with one keyword and send them out with another.

For example, according to Google, “organic fruit baskets” pays as much as $4.12 per click. Even with Google’s commission at 22.5 percent, that would still generate $3.23 per click. If you were to advertise at 10 cents per click for the phrase “organic fruit” on Overture and show ads for “organic fruit baskets” on your AdSense ad units, you would only need a CTR of around 3 percent to make a profit.

Of course, that means that you have to be able to bring up the ads you want. And you can’t quite do that. What you can do though is to use Section Targeting and all the other ad targeting strategies to increase the chances that you’ll be bring up the highest-paying ads on your site.

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