Easy Life Tips

October 22, 2006

Some Diet Tips for Office-goers Part-2

5. Be active

Combine the low-fat, high-fibre slimming diet with regular exercise to achieve the best results. Research has shown that slimmers who exercise, stick to their diets more easily, and lose more weight, than those who use weight reduction diets alone.

Try a combination of exercise outside working hours. Join a gym that is open till late evening; swim, cycle, skip, play an active sport, do home workouts, jog, run or walk briskly and keep as active as possible at work (use the stairs, walk to work, go for a walk at lunchtime, organise your colleagues and do an office workout as is the fashion in Japan).

6. Drink plenty of water, but not too much

Drink about four glasses of water (1 litre) during work hours in addition to all the other liquids you ingest (tea, coffee, cold drinks, fruit juice). Have another two glasses of water during the evening, so that you drink a total of 1.5 litres of water in 24 hours. Do not exceed this amount because drinking too much water can wash important minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) from your body and even lead to 'water intoxication'.

7. Healthy snacks

Take healthy food and drinks to work instead of loading up on fatty, greasy food and sweetened cold drinks from the canteen or trolley. If you have a fridge at work, you could also carry foods like yoghurt, cottage cheese, lean meat and fish, fruit and salads.
8. Never skip breakfast

Research has shown that people who eat breakfast perform better at work, get less tired after a long day and have more energy than those who only snatch a cup of coffee while they sprint for the bus.

This is because, if you have fasted since supper for a period of 12 hours or more, your blood sugar levels will be at a low when you get up in the morning. You need to replenish your blood sugar levels to allow your brain to start working efficiently and give you the energy to face the day at work.



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