Simple Tips to Keep your Marriage Alive
BEDTIME STORIES: If you live together, go to bed at the same time, every night. That means turning off the TV, the night-light and the phone. This is your time together. Cuddle and talk, make love if the urge strikes but that is not the point. The point is to talk about your day, your worries, and your hopes. If you don't live together, talk on the phone.
AVOID PRETENCE: When your partner says or does something you don't agree with or that upsets you, tell them. Don't just let it slide. This doesn't mean making a mountain out of a molehill, but be sure to give things that upset you the energy that they deserve.
You may think it's not important but over time these things add up and cause resentments and distance. When you go to bed together that night, discuss it, if you haven't already.
YOU ARE FRIENDS!: When you are in a conflict with your partner stop your arguing for a moment. Breathe deeply. Start thinking about what you love about this person, and what you are grateful for about them. Then remember that they are not your enemy. In the middle of a conflict it sure can feel that way.
It can seem that they are attacking you and you are the victim. Instead of arguing your case back to them, listen to what they are saying and, more importantly, what they are feeling. Respond to what they are feeling.
AVOID PRETENCE: When your partner says or does something you don't agree with or that upsets you, tell them. Don't just let it slide. This doesn't mean making a mountain out of a molehill, but be sure to give things that upset you the energy that they deserve.
You may think it's not important but over time these things add up and cause resentments and distance. When you go to bed together that night, discuss it, if you haven't already.
YOU ARE FRIENDS!: When you are in a conflict with your partner stop your arguing for a moment. Breathe deeply. Start thinking about what you love about this person, and what you are grateful for about them. Then remember that they are not your enemy. In the middle of a conflict it sure can feel that way.
It can seem that they are attacking you and you are the victim. Instead of arguing your case back to them, listen to what they are saying and, more importantly, what they are feeling. Respond to what they are feeling.
Nice blog and nice tips. I would love every couple read your tips about keeping your marriage alive!
Keep up the good work.
By Milton Ramirez, At 10:22 PM
Thanks for your comment. Its very encouraging to me...
By Easy Life Tips, At 10:48 PM
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