Tips to Prevent Credit Card Fraud
Tips to Prevent Credit Card Fraud
Never write your card number on the outside of an envelope or postcard. When paying bills, only mail cheques within envelopes that aren’t see-through
Draw a line through the ‘blank lines’ on the charge slip: this will prevent frauds from adding to the total. Never write your PIN, carry it on in your wallet or purse, or provide this to an unknown party
Keep copies of your charge slips and returns and compare them to your statement when it arrives. Immediately call your card-issuer if an unrecognised charge or charges appear on one of your statements
Safeguard all your personal information and documents. Tear up or shred pre-approved credit card offerings before throwing them away
Keep a list of all your credit card numbers, and in case of theft, notify each card-issuer immediately
Never write your card number on the outside of an envelope or postcard. When paying bills, only mail cheques within envelopes that aren’t see-through
Draw a line through the ‘blank lines’ on the charge slip: this will prevent frauds from adding to the total. Never write your PIN, carry it on in your wallet or purse, or provide this to an unknown party
Keep copies of your charge slips and returns and compare them to your statement when it arrives. Immediately call your card-issuer if an unrecognised charge or charges appear on one of your statements
Safeguard all your personal information and documents. Tear up or shred pre-approved credit card offerings before throwing them away
Keep a list of all your credit card numbers, and in case of theft, notify each card-issuer immediately
You shouldn't give your PIN to anyone at all, whether you know them or not. Usually, that means you shouldn't even give the PIN to the credit card company employees but, in some cases, you change the PIN by telling them what the new one is over the phone so that's not a 100% rule.
It's also worth asking the card company to stop sending you credit card cheques unless you definitely intend using them.
By Arnold, At 8:14 PM
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