Easy Life Tips

May 08, 2007


STAYING CONNECTED - Marriage TipsIt doesn't matter how excited you are about your partner if you are unable to stay on the same wavelength and keep a connection over time. Then it is possible that your relationship will suffer from major problems. To maintain that magical feeling of love and intimacy in a relationship we have to be willing to take charge of the quality of the connection in our relationships.

The exciting thing is that it doesn't matter if your relationship is at the prenatal stage or if it’s around 20-25 years old, these things will work to deepen your connection. And, you don't have to wait for the other person to take initiative; it is not about what the other person does or doesn't do. It is about you deciding that you want to maintain that connection with your partner, and being willing to take that charge.


Express to your partner what you feel about them every day. Do this even if you are in different corners of the world. Show your care. Saying "I love you" doesn't deepen a connection unless it's accompanied by actions. Leave love notes under your partner's pillow when you are going to be out of town. Hug your partner every time he/she walks in the door. Surprise your partner with their favourite flowers or cooking something special for them.


Keep in mind that no matter how grown up your partner seems, they are kids from within. We are all really just kids that have bodies that are ageing. Inside all of us are the unmet needs of our childhood as well as the playful spontaneous joyful child that we once were. Throughout the time you spend with your partner, see if you can notice the child inside them. Respond to that kid just as you would to a kid who has not yet grown older.

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