Easy Life Tips

September 03, 2006

10 commandments for a happy life

What will make you happy? More money? More love? Less fear? Less disease? Think about it. You may blame your genes for it, or your stars or even yourself. Think a little beyond. Sometimes there are things in your control that can harness the uncontrollable. Try these Vaastu tips for a happier life.

Feel happy, always:

The state of happiness in your heart rearranges and reorients your bank of fortune to bring more happness and joy into your life.You should avoid feelings of fear, anger and frustation. Always feel good about yourself, about others. Focus on the heart. Concentrate on it and feel the happiness blooming like a flower at the centre of your heart. Transmute this happiness as a smile on your face. This will bring stability for happiness.

Feel rich:

Enhance your lifestyle. Improve your dressing and eating—show yourself wealth. Whatever you have, feel good about it. Don’t ever, ever say “I am poor”.

Use your body well:

Your hands and fingers carry all the energy of your body; all five elements are manifested in the fingers. Do not rotate or move your fingers without reason. Slamming the table, slapping your body, stamping your feet is not auspicous. It drains vital energy.

Strike a pose:

Sitting cross-legged or with closed arms hinders positve energy from coming into your life. Such postures imply a negative attitude, a certain stubborness. Sit with your spine straight, as this helps in free flow of energy from the base of the spine to the entire body.

Eat less:

Eating to sate or oversate your hunger is not at all healthy. One should try to eat less than one’s hunger demands.

Energise your awareness:

Create a strong energy environment around yourself. Bring in more light. Declutter. Clean the mess. Juxtapose soothing and sharp colours to enhance energies. Let the vibes flow into you and feel the power of nature.

Purge negativity:

If you can’t stop generating or being surrounded by negative energy, try to minimise its effect on you. Light pure sandalwood incense.Use sea salt to mop the floors. Keep some in a bowl near you to absorb negative energy.

Keep north:

Maximise the use of the north direction. Face north while working and you will be blessed by Kuber, the god of wealth. By eating and drinking water while facing the north, you will be energised by the energy of the North Pole. Always point your feet to the north while sleeping, to maintain great health.

North-east nuances:

Adorn and embellish the northeast corner of your house/office. Light it up colourfully. Always keep fresh, fragrant flowers here. Strengthen its energy by positioning a water element, like a fountain of prosperity. Don’t burden the corner with bulky furniture or overfloeing storage. Let the magnetic energy flow from this point flow unhindered.

Block the west:

Try to close and block the west direction as much as possible. Openings like doors and windows should be avoided in the west; they drain money and effort.



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