Easy Life Tips

September 03, 2006

Food You Eat Every Day - Unknown Facts About it

Food You Eat Every Day - Unknown Facts About itBREAD, BAKERY ITEMS
Choose wholemeal; wholegrain; multigrain; white high fibre; oatbran and barely; rye; soy and linseed loaves/ rolls and interesting breads such as pita pocket or turkish breads.

Cereals are an important way to increase the fibre in your diet. Use wholegrain varieties to add interest and variety. Most breakfast cereals are low in fat and are an ideal food to start the day.

Fruits and vegetables provide a range of vitamins, minerals and, phytochemicals. All vegetables and fruit have almost no fat (except avocado and olives). Eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables is the easiest way to get the nutrients. Fresh fruit is preferred to juices, as fresh fruit is a good source of fibre. Look for recipes to try out new and “unusual” vegetables and fruits. Frozen vegetables are equally good choices as they. contain a sufficient range and selection of vitamins and minerals.

Includes dried and canned peas, beans and lentils These could be called one of nature’s wonder foods, as they provide carbohydrates, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals and some very effective phytochemicals.

Choose lean cuts of beef, pork, veal, pork, veal, lamb and chicken Fish is low in fat, making it an excellent choice. Oily fish contains mostly healthy fats. Select red meats with less marbling as they are lower in fat. Visible fat should be removed before cooking. Watch bulk buys of meat—fatty meat and bony chops may be part of the package. Many frozen fish products are high in fat. Choose those that are not crumbed, and can be prepared by means such as oven baking.

Eggs contain cholesterol however they are not high in saturated fat, so they can be included in a varied healthy eating plan.


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