Not Safe Sex But Sacred Sex

How Does AIDS spread? By Natural or unnatural sexual contact with an HIV carrier. By receiving the blood. blood contituents, organs etc from a HIV carrier. By an HIV mother to her foetus. By careless repeated use of Syringes and Needles.
Who are Prone to AIDS? Those who have sexual relation with many people. Homosexuals. Addicts using drugs through needles.
How Doesn't AIDS spread? It doesn't spread through air, food or water. It doesn't spread through hand shakes or hugging. It isn't spread by mosquito bites. It doesn't spread while looking after an AIDS patient.
Maintain Chastity: Many fighters of AIDS have raised and reasonated a slogan 'safe sex' to prevent its spread. In reality by doing so, they are legitimizing the defilement of all virtuous and moral boundaries in personal and family life. This then is not indeed the right answer to fighting AIDS. It will perhaps but a temporary check on uninhabited spread of AIDS but will not help contain it for a long time. Moreover 'condoms' advised by the advocates of 'safe sex' does not give a foolproof protection from AIDS. Therefore what we need is not advocacy of 'safe sex' but 'Sacred Sex'. Sex with in the legal marriage.
For Pre-marital/Family Counselling Contact: ICPF Tel: +91 481 2423796
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