Easy Life Tips

September 07, 2006


You don’t breathe deeply.
It sounds simple, but studies show that taking deep breaths keeps you alert and relaxed. Make an effort to inhale and exhale for two to three counts each throughout the day.
You don’t get enough sleep.
Sleep deprivation can leave you feeling jumpy, disoriented and unable to cope, says Rosalind Cartwright, Ph.D., director of the Sleep Disorder Center at Chicago’s Rush Presbyterian Medical Center. She recommends that you lighten your mood before bed—by reading a humorous book, for example—since being cranky can lead to less- rejuvenating sleep.
You neglect to exercise
Working out can significantly ease depression, according to a recent study from Duke University. To get the feel-good chemicals flowing, aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week.
You stay indoors all day
Lack of sunlight, even during summer, can leave you lethargic and depressed. Just 20 minutes is enough to brighten your outlook, so if you work inside, take a brisk walk outside at lunch.
You skip breakfast
A recent Canadian study found that having a morning meal of carbohydrates, protein and fat (such as bran cereal with one percent milk) enhances memory. If you’re on the run, at least grab a meal-replacement bar.
You don’t make time for sex
“It’s believed that having sex stimulates the release of feelgood chemicals called endorphins,” says Constance Ahrons, Ph.D., director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at the University of Southern California in TK. Plus, the intimacy it fosters is the glue that binds couples together.
You hate your job
The average American spends at least a third of her life working, so it’s important to find a position that’s challenging and fulfilling. If yours isn’t, talk to your supervisor about how you can reshape your job responsibilities, or dust off your resume.
You regret not pursuing a childhood dream
Thoughts like “I should have played the guitar/been a sculptor/learned ballet” can lead to feelings of self-doubt. Instead of worrying about the opportunities you missed, enroll in a class or sign up for private lessons.
You don’t take time off
Research shows that skipping vacations increases your risk of heart disease increases your risk of heart disease. Worried about your inbox? Schedule a break in advance and talk to your boss about delegating responsibilities.
You never cry
Research has found that tears help flush stress-related chemicals that build up in your tear ducts when you’re upset. If you feel the urge, find a quiet place and grab a Kleenex—it will calm and refresh you.


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